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Реферат Formation of Islamic concept of state

eligious-legal regulation of social life there exist special bodies of control for the law making activity of the state, determining correspondence of the passed acts to the canons of the Islamic law. In Pakistan, for instance, the given function is executes by the Council of the Islamic ideologies and Federal court of Shariat. The Monarchs of Thailand, Morocco, Malaysia and a number of other countries have the right to pass statutory-legal acts, contradicting the main laws of their states.the Islamic concepts of the state, there exist different doctrines in respect of formation and functioning of the Islamic state. Supporters of one doctrine call for determination of the mundane state, others stand on traditional positions of the Islamic concept of the state.even adherent to the mundane way of development of the Islamic states recognized the fact that it is inevitable to apply the Islamic law as the personal law for the Moslem people in the sphere of the constitutional rights and human rights. I.e. in spite of recognition of the mundane way of recognition of the state the Islamic law will remain the most important factor in formation of legal mentality, legal consciousness and legal behavior of the Moslem people in spite of the fact that the role of the Islamic law weakens in the sphere of the public law.


In spite of the fact that in the fundamental sources of the Islamic law there do not exist norms and positions, which would directly concern the Islamic concepts of the state, however exactly they contain the principles, on which formation of the Islamic concept of the state is based.dynamics of development, the process of development and formation of the Islamic civilizations have put the question about formation of the Islamic state, whose main theoretical positions were kept in the Islamic doctrine of the law and state.modern concept of the state is not uniform, it is composed from approaches: supporters of secularism, and their opponents, i. e. those, who support the mundane way of development, and those, who support the theocratic way of formation of the Islamic state.spite of pluralism of different theories within the framework of the Islamic concept of the state, the cornerstone of the given concept still remains the fact that the main purpose of the Islamic state is considered in relatedness of all its bodies with the Islamic law and orientation to their activity at realization of its prescriptions.

The literature

islamic civilization law

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