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Реферат Metaphor in its Broad Perspective

ascribed. If I say 'you are a dog', then you are the tenor. If I say 'It's a dog day', then the tenor is the day.vehicle is the subject from which the attributes are borrowed, is both the words and concepts that are invoked by the words. p align="justify"> Connecting verb.The tenor and the vehicle are generally connected by a verb that somehow equates them. The verb 'to be' is by far the most common verb used, as it effectively says the tenor is the vehicle .. The vehicle has a number of dimensions, attributes or variables which may be mapped or transferred back onto the tenor and hence create new meaning.

TenorVehicleDimensionLoveIslandSeparated, idyllic TimeMoneyTrade, interchangeHouseHomeSafety, familiarityTo persuadeTo plantto put in, to nutureOpportunityA thingCan be examined, graspedAngerStormEnergy, dangerNewRawUnchanged, originalSuperiorityAbovePosition of power

[26; 99] efficient usage of metaphor not only enriches the piece of writing, but if author makes the best use of his metaphor it can easily become a quotation. Instance of this phenomenon can be found in one of Shakespeare s sonnets:

All the world's a stage,

And all the men and women merely players

They have their exits and their entrances ... [27, 17]

This well known quote serves as a good example of metaphor. In this example, "the world" is compared to a stage, the aim is to describe the world by taking well known attributes from the stage. Generally the world is not compared with a stage, one can imagine it as the earth, the mother; but not a stage. That is why it is nothing but metaphor. Because it has brought together two entirely unrelated things and made sense with it. In this case, the world is the tenor and the stage is the vehicle. "Men and women" are a secondary tenor and "players" is the vehicle for this secondary tenor.metaphor is sometimes further analysed in terms of the ground and the tension. The ground consists of the similarities between the tenor and the vehicle. The tension of the metaphor consists of the dissimilarities between the tenor and the vehicle. In the above example, the ground begins to be elucidated from the third line: "They have their exits and entrances". In the play, Shakespeare continues this metaphor for another twenty lines beyond what is shown here - making it a good example of an extended metaphor [25; 106]. The corresponding terms to 'tenor' and 'vehicle' in George Lakoff's terminology are target and source. In this nomenclature, metaphors are named using the convention "target IS source", with the word "is" always capitalized; in this notation, the metaphor discussed ...

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