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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

Реферат Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"


I. «Maximizing students interaction»

.1 The communicative classroom

.2 Using English in class

.3 Communicative activities

Chapter II. «The ways of learning phrasal verbs»

2.1 The importance of teaching phrasal verbs

.2 Phrasal verbs and prepositions

.3 Guessing and explaining meanings of phrasal verbs «come» and «go» literature


is the most important area in language learning. The importance of vocabulary changes and it depends on teaching aims. Nowadays, the ability of effective communication is the main aim of teaching, so teachers try to develop students communicative competence and vocabulary are the key to it. Communication is strongly conditioned upon the level of vocabulary. When it is limited, it distorts or even sometimes it blocks up communication. With a wide vocabulary, a person can communicate effectively even though he or she may be very weak in grammatical knowledge. It means that teachers must pay a lot of attention to constant, regular work on enriching students vocabulary. Very important and common feature of English language are phrasal verbs.topicality of my diploma work is: The current study hasn t any arguments in its address, because there is considerable interest today in the notion of motivation to learn a second or foreign language. Learning another language involved intelligence and verbal ability. Concepts like attitudes, motivation and anxiety were not considered to be important at all. Today, much of this has changed, and one sometimes gets the impression that affective variables are considered to be the only important ones.main purpose of the diploma paper work is to discuss the roles of the student, the teacher and the language researcher in understanding the motivation to learn another language. In order to guide this discussion, attention is directed towards the social-educational model of second language acquisition. Although this model considers the motivation to learn another language from the point of view of the student, it is clear that other contributors include the teacher as well as the student s and the student s background.to Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners a phrasal verb is a verb formed from two (sometimes three) parts; a verb and an adverb or preposition. Most are formed from a small number of common verbs (such as get, go, come, put and set) and a small number of adverbs and prepositions (such as away, out, off, up and in). The number of verbs that can form phrasal verbs in English is limitless. But the number of short adverbs: about, across, around, down, by, in, off, on, out, over, through, to, aside, away, back, together and prepositions: about, across, around, down, by , in, off, on, out, over, through, to, at, for, from, of, into that can accommodate this structure is much smaller. They include more or less the words in bold, most of which serve as both adverbs and prepositions.novelty is the using of the phrasal verbs in another way as possible. To make it more understandable for students.verbs are an important feature of English. Their importance lies in the fact that they form such a key part of everyday English. Not only are they used in spoken and informal English, but they are also a common aspect of written and even formal vernacular. Understanding and le...

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