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Реферат China Airlines as a complex system

irm the presence of the fourth feature - Subordination of the whole organization to some goals. p align="justify"> And what about the emergence, synergy and additivity it is obvious, that high quality functioning of different departments with the same aim leads to reaching more complete result.above listed information, "China Airlines" is a system according to every feature.we consider the divisions, departments, airline services as a subsystems, then they can be analyzed as a separate systems with its structural elements and relationships. On the other hand, "China Airlines" is supersystem regarding these systems., For full analysis it is necessary to analyze every subsystem and its place in supersystem. In our case - to understand the structure of each department and what benefit it carries to China Airlines .

1.2Characteristics of the system and its properties

of systems can be carried out on the set of criteria. Classification of systems is often impossible to be determined and depends on its objective and resources. We will consider the following classification of systems (other criteria of systems classification are possible):

1. Based on a system s relation to environment:

ТЗ Open system (exchanges its resources with environment);

ТЗ Closed (doesn t exchange resources with environment).

2. Based on the origin of a system (elements, connections, subsystems):

ТЗ Artificial system (tools, mechanisms, machines, robots, works etc.);

ТЗ Natural system (animate, inanimate, ecological, social etc.);

ТЗ Virtual system (ie imaginary system: although it doesn t actually exist, nevertheless, it operates as if it actually existed);

ТЗ Mixed system (economic, technical, organizational structures etc.).

3. Based on the description of the system s variables:

ТЗ Qualitative variables (they have only contextual description);

ТЗ Quantitative variables (they have variables discretely/continuously described in a quantitative way, ie the system is described with the help of quantitative variables);

ТЗ Mixed qualitative - quantitative type (includes qualitative and quantitative variab...

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