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Реферат Civil society and the state

ndividual are only moments. Will that defines itself, will be independent in the true sense. Limit it is exercising its freedom in the outside world. Implementation of this freedom and is Hegelian understanding of the law in a broad sense.entire scope of the objective spirit in Hegel - is the realization of the idea of ​​rights or freedoms. Morality, ethics, the state - it is the opinion of a philosopher, a special right or actual existence of different degrees of freedom. Much attention in the political and legal doctrine of Hegel value paid to the problems of the state and the individual. 'S doctrine on this subject is the result of a phase in the history of political and legal ideas and the new stage of development. Public and philosophical thought in the first stage convinced that single person endowed with reason and independent will, is the original social development. Human persons have been awarded the status of primary, eternal, inalienable arising from its very nature. Society was seen as a mechanical sum of individuals, the product of their theoretical and practical activities.has shown conclusively that the fair can be the opposite concept: the man, the personality is a product of society - the family, civil society and the state - due to him, he owes all of its existence and development. Taking the starting point of his argument on the right Kantian idea of ​​moral autonomy of the individual, Hegel through its logical judgment concluded that the supremacy of the state over the individual, and as a general whole over individual and unique.was convinced that the true essence of the person and his freedom is the desire of the individual to its general nature, and right, with this in mind - the practical implementation of freedom in its general form in reality, the triumph of objective spirit in the form of state. Individual human destiny Hegel sacrificed general, it is the opinion of the philosopher, was weighing on the scales of history.the development of history and human relations in society enabled the conclusion that the value of an individual person's life and his freedom are not so small as Hegel argued, and the element of randomness plays a much larger role than was thought previously.appearance of an individual, endowed with an independent will, can significantly influence the course of events. This can occur not only when a person is extremely outstanding, but when the average person. 'S period of political and legal studies over a considerable time characterized by two directions. The first of them united in the same context, the right and freedom, developed certain aspects of Hegel dominated by general, the second direction absorbed the legal views of Kant, where priority was given to an individual, a particular individual. br/>


civil society hegel state

1. Karas Anatoliy - The philosophy of civil soc...

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