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Реферат Arguing your case (10 кл)

great slavery. (Більше грошей - більше клопоту. Багатому не спиться, він злодія боїться.)

Time is money. (Час - гроші.)

Ex 17. s do the next exrecise where you must fill the gaps with a suitable word. Do this in pairs. s check. Read your answers one by one, please.
1) The dress must have cost a fortune - where does she get the money? ) Oh, no! I ve left my money at home! Could you lend me 15 $? I promise I ll pay you back tomorrow.

) I wouldn t give Tom any money. He borrowed 100 $ from me last month. The month has passed and he hasn t returned any of it!

) I had a certain amount of money in dollars and I had to exchange it for pounds.

) The shop will refund you the full cost of your purchase if you don t like our goods.

) Each last Wednesday of the month they sell their goods at a great discount. If you visit the shop and buy something, it ll be a good bargain.

) Each month I buy 2 or 3 books and I spend about 10 $ on them, but I don t think I waste my money, I enjoy reading.

5) Закріплення знань за темами Conditionals і конструкції have smth done And now I am going to check your knowledge in themes: Conditionals and construction have smth done. Take a sheet of paper, write your first name and your last name.

А. Повторення Conditional 3make sure that you understand the difference between different types of Conditionals, I propose you to do the next test. You must have in each question 2 answers, for example the 1st one: you are to write the type of conditional.

1. Якщо у мене буде час, то я прийду сьогодні. If I have time, I will come today. Conditional 1) will have b) have c) would come d) will come

2. Якби у мене був час, я прийшов би сьогодні (мрійник).

a) had b) had had c) would come d) would have come.

3. Якби у мене був час, я прийшов би вчора (поїзд пішов).

a) had b) had had c) would come d) would have come.

4. Якби я знав англійську мову, то перевів би текст сам (мрійник).

a) knew b) has know c) would translate d) would have translated.

5. Якби я тоді знав англійську мову, то перевів би текст сам (поїзд пішов).

a) knew b) had known c) would translate d) would have translated.

6) Якби він жив у великому місті, то не пропускав би виставок живопису (мрійник).

a) live b) lived c) wouldn «t miss d) wouldn» t have missed.

7) Якщо я поїду до Вашингтона, то відвідаю Капітолій.

a) will go, b) go c) visit, d) will visit

8) Якби я була у Вашингтоні, то відвідала б Капітолій (мрійник).

a) were b) was c) will visit d) would visit

9) Якби у мене був вільний час сьогодні або завтра, я зробила б цю роботу сама (мрійник).

a) have b) had c) would have done d) would do:

) b, d; 2) a, c; 3) b, d; 4) a, c; 5) b, d; 6) b, c; 7) b, d; 8) a, d; 9) b, d.

В. Повторення конструкції have smth doneche...

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