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Реферат Legal infantility as the factor of negative influence on the level of sense of justice in Russia

at the hierarchical political parity between the Serbian people and the citizens of other nationalities is thus established. Undoubtedly, the definition of Serbia as the state of all citizens, residing at the greater degree would correspond modern European standards. The same definition was in the former Constitution. is correspondence to the above-mentioned adopted definition and position of the Constitution that in Serbia service that the official language is the Serbian language and the official alphabet is the Cyrillic. It is necessary to add to it the regulation (from the former Constitution), that according to the law in the Latin alphabet can be used. And that simultaneously languages ??and alphabets of national minorities are used as official in the territories of Serbia where the given minority reside. However the criticism of the given positions is not so important if to take into account very wide and qualitative decisions and guarantees of individual and collective rights of national minorities in the part of the Constitution concerning the human rights, and rights and freedoms of minority. To the given understanding of the problem serve the principles stated in Article 1 of the Constitution, namely that Serbia is based on the priorities of the law and social justice, principles of civil democracy, human rights, rights and freedoms of minority, and adherence to the European principles and values. essential innovation in relation to the previous Constitution is the principle according to which the standard rules of the international law and the confirmed international contracts are a making part of the social order of Republic of Serbia, and the internationally confirmed contracts should correspond to the Constitution. As against the previous Constitutions in which the priority of the standard rules of the international law in the ratified international contracts above the domestic social order was confirmed, in the new Constitution they are hierarchically higher than the law, but lower than the Constitution. The given approach prevails and in the countries of the European community. And it shows respect of authority of the national constitutions, but it means that these constitutions correspond to the conventional legal standards.

. It is no doubt that the most important positive step in the new Constitution is made on the rights and freedoms of the person and national minorities as their definitions and guarantees to them are formulated more fully and more particularly, than in the previous Constitution. Thus, for example, the death penalty is cancelled. The cloning of people, trade of people, sexual or economic use of people, slavery and forced labour is strictly forbidden. the Constitution defines that the person, deprived of freedom without legal proceeding, should be in the urgent order, not later than within 48 hours, to be transferred to appropriate judicial instance, otherwise he is to be released to freedom. This person has the right to fair legal proceeding in reasonable terms and has the right to interrogate witnesses of the prosecutor. constitution recognizes freedom of worship, opportunity of access to information in the property of state bodies, the right of citizens to apply to the international institutions for the sake of protection of the rights, etc. the sphere of economic system essential novelty has become the formal cancellation of public property. This condition guarantees private, cooperative and municipal property which can be the state ownership, the property of an autonomous region and the property of local administration. It, anyway, will provide the stronger economic basis of autonomy and to local self-management, and will also be an incitement for private business in them. One more important innovation is made in the regulation that the city land grounds for construction are the private property. The rest important principles of the economic system (market economy, interdiction on market monopoly, freedom of private business, independence of economic subjects, equality of all kinds of property, equality of foreign persons with the citizens of the country) are defined by standard formulations and, in fact, do not differ from the principles of the previous Constitution. social rights and economic system are defined superficially enough, with the help of the general standard formulations providing realization of various social policies, depending on ideology, that is political and program orientation of the majority allocated with the authority.

. As to the state bodies, their duties, organization and mutual relations they are not essentially changed in relations of the previous Constitution so within the framework of the system of distribution of authority and the republican form of government there has been left the parliamentary-presidential system with some completions. has been entere...

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