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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Учебные пособия » Іноземна мова. Сфера сервісу (англійська мова)

Реферат Іноземна мова. Сфера сервісу (англійська мова)

ing place for the Cabinet, a venue for state events and a home for the prime minister's family. While in office, prime ministers traditionally live with their families in Downing Street in the private flat on the second floor.Charles Dickens Museumis the world's most important collection of material relating to the great Victorian novelist and social commentator. Synonymous with Victorian England, this is the only surviving London home of Dickens (from 1837 until 1839), author of such classics as 'Oliver Twist', 'A Christmas Carol' and 'David Copperfield'. The museum was opened here in 1925 and is still welcoming visitors from all over the world to its authentic and inspiring surrounding. On four floors, visitors can see paintings, rare editions, manuscripts, original furniture and many items relating to the life of one of the most popular and beloved personalities of the Victorian Age.Templeoff the North Circular Road in Neasden is truly one of the best places in London. Visiting this place men and women have to dress decently: no short skirts, shorts, see through garments etc. Admission is free. The whole process of building this temple is astonishing; five thousands of tons of limestone and marble from different parts of Europe was shipped out to India, carved there and brought back to London.parksare ten royal parks in and around London. For example: Hyde Park, Regents Park, London Zoo, etc. Each park has its own character. In summer on open-air theatre which gives performances of Shakespear s plays.Libraryfifteen years of problems and millions of public money spent, the library finally opened its doors to the public in the spring of 1998. The sheer number of books inside will take your breath away. This is actually the largest library in London.the Guardare actually two ceremonies at separate places. The more popular venue is Buckingham Palace where at 11.30 am on most days The Queen `s Guard, accompanied by a band, arrives from Wellington Barracks having marched via Bird Cage Walk to the palace. The ceremony lasts about 40 min. and takes place inside the railings of the palace. A separate ceremony also takes place daily throughout the year at Horse Guards Parade in Whitehall at 11am Mon-Sat and 10am on Sun.to London can count on hundreds of London activities and sights, spanning a variety of categories, to satisfy even the most adventurous of spirits. Since the 18th century, England has been one of the main cultural centers of Europe. There's no other country in the world where architectural style is a matter of royal concern. Those interested can catch a glimpse of most of the main sights within two hours from the top of one of London s famous double-decker buses.and expressionsastonish - дивувати - шкода, пошкодження

closely - близько, тісно

occasion - випадок

splendid - чудовий

view - вид

to bury - ховати

wedding - весілля,

to defeat - наносити пошкодження

to provide - постачати

gift - подарунок, талант

spectacular - захоплюючий

neighbourhood - сусідство

desirable - бажаний

to survive - пережити, вижити

beloved - коханий, улюблений

to accompany - супроводжувати, супроводжувати

double-decker bus - двоповерховий автобус

Task 2. Match the English and Russian equivalents. p align="justify"> historic value північний берегвосхіщатьсяпервая світова войнаnorth bank частнийісторіческая ценностьсоседFirst World Warмного людейразвлекать with peopleтеатр під відкритим небом

privateархітектураair theatreкартіни

Task 3. Give the Russian equivalents. p align="justify"> Variety of scenes; The official residence of Queen Elizabeth II; Available to visitors; Example of Gothic architecture; The prime minister's family; The London s famous double-decker buses ; The largest Protestant Church in England; The largest bell; A ВЈ 10.8 million programme of cleaning and repair; A gift huge Christmas tree; One of the world s most enjoyable cities; A royal palace; The 21-st century games; 16 feet high; Buildings of great historic value; From mid-May to mid -September; The Victorian Age.

Task 4. Translate underlined words and phrases into English. p align="justify">. This structure is a remarkable приклад of Gothic архітектура. p align="justify">. Музей був відкритий here in 1...

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