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Реферат The significance of English in today's world

significance of English in today `s world.

Bolkin I.A.

Supervised by Zhigalova A.V.

(Ukhta State Technical University)

To live in today `s fast-moving competitive world it is absolutely necessary to know and be able to do a lot of things. Knowledge of a foreign language is one of them. I would even say it `sa must for a modern educated person. He is simply obliged to know English as it is his key to further self-education and self-improvement. But then the question arises: «What language to study? German? English? Spanish? Or maybe Chinese? I believe that it is necessary to learn several languages, but to begin with English. English is the language of international communication for all mankind. The value of English in today `s world cannot be overestimated. After all it is necessary to reckon with the choice of more than 1 billion people who speak it. And if a half of them are native speakers, about 600 million choose it as foreignputers and mobile phones were the things that only people of a certain social group could afford. Now these things are necessities. The same can be told about English. It is a necessity! It is studied by everybody and everywhere: at schools, universities, language courses. Moreover in the age of digital technologies anyone can learn English on the Internet, without leaving home. However you shouldn't think that it is so easy to do it. Learning any language is a long process which demands certain expenses, both intellectual, and financial. But »the game is worth the candle, as they say.importance of studying English is evident. It is connected with the process of globalization and English language demand both in daily and business communication. Political, economic, scientific, sports life of the whole world is in English too. English is defined as an official and working language of the United Nations. Various summits and meetings of the heads of states, signing of laws and decrees, negotiations and debate - all this is carried out in English. International trade, banking system, activity of transport on the land, on the sea and in the air is carried out in English.far as we are concerned, English is very important for us too.need English:

. When we travel

2. When we apply for a good job

. When we communicate with foreigners

. When we look for information on the Internet

It is difficult to establish how many people in the world speak English. It `s spoken by not just one person, but tens of nations in various parts of the world. English is considered official in more, than 50 countries.second US President John Adams told 200 years ago that English would become the «world» language. And this prediction came true by the end of the 20th century. Now 300 million people in the world are native English speakers. And 400 million people who speak English as the second language. The role of English in the world has increased sharply recently that is connected with Internet development where 80% of information is transferred in English.the countries where English is the official language, we can name the following: the historical homeland of English - Great Britain ...

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