y"> to fall;
to be cancelled out.
By range is understood ...
two complete tidal oscillations;
inequalities both in height and time;
one complete tidal osdllation;
differences between high and low tides.
РАНТ 2Streams and Currentsand readingthese words and learn them by heart * Standard port - основний порт (у перевирахованой припливів)
fa * To predict ~ перед обчислювати
fa "Tidal stream - приливо-отлівноє протягом
fa "Rising tide - приплив" Falling tide - відлив * Rate (velocity) - швидкість
fa * Set - ім. напрям, (гл. встановлюватися)
fa "Tide rip - брижі, штовханина, Сулою
fa "Ebb stream - відлив" Flood stream - приплив "High water - повна вода" Low water - мала вода "Eddy ~ вир" Tide-guage - мореограф, прілівомер "Spring rate - швидкість в сизигії
fa "Neap rate - швидкість в квадратуру
fa-* Ripple - брижі, штовханина, брижі
fa "Race - бистрина, Сулою
fa "Swirl - вир
fa "Surge - брижі, накат хвилі
fa "Storm surge - штормовий нагону води, штормовий вітер
fa "Under-keel-clearance - глибина під кілем" To affect - впливати, впливати "Rectilinear - прямолінійний" Gyre - вихор, завіхреніе6. Read the text "Tidal streams and currents" quicldy and grasp the main gist of each (a, b, c, d) passagesStreams and Currents
Tidal Streams are horizontal movements of the water caused by the tides. They can be predicted for any period in the future.
The tidal streams in European waters are of the same type as the tides, ie they are semi-diurnal in character. They can be predicted by reference to a suitable Standard port by tables printed on the published charts.
In some other parts of the world daily predictions are necessary. These predictions will be found in Volumes 2 and 3 of Admiralty Tide Tables. p align="justify"> c) The duration and the rate of tidal streams depend on the depth of water, the con-
tour of the land, prevailing winds, tides and currents. A distinction is drawn between tidal streams and currents. ol>
Tidal Streams are astronomical in origin. Currents are mainly of meteorological origin. Conditions that affect currents are the following: persistent strong winds, barometric pressure, positive and negative surges, storm surges. Strong winds may approach and even exceed the rate of the tidal streams. Strong currents during or after positive or negative surges may greatly increase tidal streams or cancel them out.
Negative surges are important to the Mariner as they result in reduced under-keel-clearance.
Tidal streams may affect currents and produce ripples, eddies, races, swirls,, etc.practice the navigator experiences a combination of tidal stream and current.
Fill in a)
Exercise 7. Read the text carefully to answer the following questions:
What causes tidal streams?
What type are the tidal streams in European waters?
What is meant by semi-diurnal?
What factors influence the duration and the rate of tidal streams?
What conditions affect currents?
How do strong currents affect tidal streams?
Why are negative surges important to the Mariner?
What period in the future can tidal streams be predicted for?
Exercise 8. Pick out false sentences out of those below and explain your decision
Tidal streams are caused by strong winds.
Tidal streams and currents are similar in origin.
The tidal streams in European waters are of the same type as the tides.
The rate of tidal streams does not depend on the contour of the land.