Strong wind may not exceed the rate of the tidal streams.
Ripples are produced by currents.
Positive surges result in reduced under-keel-clearance.
Exercise 9. Memorize the following abbreviations concerning tides and currents used on Metric Charts
HWHigh WaterПолная водаLWLow WaterМалая водаMTLMean Tide LevelСредній рівень пріліваMSLMean Sea LevelСредній рівень моряSpSpring TidesСізігійньш прілівNpNeap TidesКвадратурний прілівMHWSMean High Water SpringsСредній рівень повних сізігійних водMHWNMean High Water NeapsСредній рівень квадратурних водMHHWMean Higher High WaterСредній рівень високої повної водиMLHWMean Lower High WaterСредній рівень низькою повної водиMLWSMean Low Water SpringsСредній рівень малих сізігійних водMLWNMean Low Water NeapsСредній рівень малих квадратурних водMLLWMean Lower Low WaterСредній рівень низькою малої водиMHLWMean Higher Low WaterСредній рівень високої малої водиHATHigher Astronomical TideВисокій астрономічний прілівLATLower Astronomical TideНізкій астрономічний приливVelVelocityСкоростьknKnotsУзлыDirDirectionНаправлениеFathom ChartsH.WF & СHigh Water Full and ChangeПрікладной годину порту для розрахунку повної водиL.WF & C.Low Water Full and ChangeПрікладной годину порту для розрахунку малої води 10. Match a word (1-7) with a word (a-g)
1.drya) tide2.meanb) season3.springc) direction4.highd) rate5.tidee) water6.risingf) stream7.tidalg) Ф 11. Fill in the gaps with a suitable word Choose from these words: rate tide range current slack low sets water
There is only one high daily in S.
In the bay the flow is weak and is governed by rather than tidal
3. The flow sets SSW on the falling attaining a of 1 knot 3 hours
after local high water with a of tide of 1-2 m; it then turns anti-clockwise
without becoming and ESE at Va knot near water.
Exercise 12. Circle the odd-abbreviation-out (if any):
LAT, Q, MLLW, Sp, Vel
MSL, MLWS, H.W.F. & C, MHWS, Lat
Exercise 13. Passage (a) describes "Tides and Tidal Streams" inLachDay and Song Ca. Read the passage and decide which of those opinions matches tides (T) and tidal streams (TS)
The rate of flow is often 2 or 3 knots. []
From December to May, Song Ca is at its lowest. []
The melting snow causes the river to rise rapidly. []
The annual rise at Hanoi is from 4-9 to 6-lm .. []
(a) Tides and tidal streams in Lach Day and Song Ca. The rate of flow in the lower reaches of the river system is often 2 or 3 knots, and the influence of the tidal stream on the flow is apparent up river almost as far as a Hanoi during the low-river season, and from the sea to about halfway to Hanoi during the hight high-river season.December to May, Song Ca is at its lowest, about May, the melting snow in Upper Tonkin and Yunnan causes the river to rise rapidly, frequently washing away the banks. The annual rise at Hanoi (21 В° 02'N, 105 В° E) is from 4-9 to 6-lm.14. Answer those questions:
In what places of the river is the rate of flow often 3 or 2 knots?
What is the influence of the tidal stream on the flow?
When does the snow melt in Upper Tonkin and Yunnan?
What is frequently washed away?
What is the annual rise of tide at Hanoi?
Exercise 15. Passage (b) describes tidal streams at East Goodwin light-vessel Read the passage and decide which...