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Реферат Modern constitutionalism and the state Israel

tutory legal acts of the Russian regions almost in 3 thousand have found out infringement of the federal legislation.to the head of the state, blanks in the regional legislation seriously brake the decision of the major social and economic tasks and, in particular, leads to the black holes in the state budget.particular he has specified that in a number of regions the list of privileges for payment of housing and municipal services is completely reduced, and in some regions - additional burdensome payments connected with payment of housing and communal services are imposed.coordination of legality concerning of all the levels of authority, - the major conditions of success of realization of national projects .. Medvedev has specified the importance of the parliamentary control over activity of the regional administrations - especially in the sphere of housing construction [5]. Thus it is necessary to remember, that if the executive power by means of party domination and party discipline supervises the decisions of the parliament, it can easily achieve such orders which completely releases it from the formal responsibility for the adopted acts. The legislator does not have responsibility referring that he has given executive power the constitutional authority for appropriate settlement. Such independence of the executive power, in opinion of A. Shajo, strengthens the legislative power not only the party influence of the government, but also the state bureaucracy [6] that can considerably complicate realization of the designated reforms.tendencies of development of law-making legislation of the subjects of the Russian Federation testify to the changing functional role: transition from outstripping legislation to developing raquo ;, detalizing within the framework of the model federation - the subject of the federation - the organs of local self-management raquo ;. Legal proceedings take characteristic properties and features, in many respects conditioned by the objective factors, and by the level of development of legal activity (law-making and legal) and legal consciousness of the population of the concrete subject of the Federation. In particular at the present stage of development of federalism in the regional legislation the special value is given to duplication and development of norms of the federal level referring to the features of the subject of the Federation.if by its functional role the law-making of the regional level is called to reflect the requirements of political, economic, social and cultural developments of the population of that territorial generality which has developed within the limits of the subject of the Russian Federation, in the substantial plan this specific activity of the authorized organs is considered as the way, the means of transformation of social into legal., optimization of the law-making activity of the organs of the government of the federation and the state organs of the subjects of the Russian Federation can be solved, first, during the precise constitutional differentiation of the subjects of conducting between the organs of the government of the Russian Federation and its subjects, accordingly dividing the spheres of law-making, second, the due coordination and coordination of activity of the subjects of the government of the federal and regional level, differentiation of the competence between the branches and levels of authority in Russia, third, by establishment of constitutionally-legal responsibility according to the powers of the organ of the government (organs of local self-management), fourth, obligatory preaching at all levels of the power and among the population of ideology of supremacy of the law possessing the supreme validity and corresponding to the ideas of equality and validity.such organization of the state -legal policy it will be possible to speak about formation of the mechanism guaranteeing reality of constitutionalism in the Russian Federation.

The literature

1. Ромашов Р.А. Сучасний конституціоналізм: теоретико-правовий аналіз. Автореф. на соіск. д.ю.н.- СПб., 2008. - С. 5.

. Ромашов Р.А. Сучасний конституціоналізм: теоретико-правовий аналіз. Автореф. на соіск. д.ю.н.- СПб., 2008. - С. 25.

. Матузов Н.І. Актуальні проблеми теорії права.- Саратов: изд-во Сарат. академії права, 2013. - С. 477.

. В по?? е. Правовому//Російська газета.- 18. березня - 2006. - № 55 (4 021).

. Обжитий нацпроект. Російська газета.- 18 березень 2006. - № 55 (4021).

. Шайо А. Самообмеження влади.- М .: МАУП, 2009.

. Конституційне право суб'єктів Російської Федерації/Відп ред. В.А. Кряжков.- М .: Городець, 2012.

. Алексєєв С.С. Сходження до права Пошуки і рішення. 2-е вид.- М ...

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