ut the world communitarian law and its place in the system of constitutional law;
Study about modern constitutionalism;
Study about the Constitution;
Study about the constitutional system;
Study about constitutional legal relations;
Study about constitutional sense of justice;
Study about the constitutional culture;
Study about constitutional bases of the legal state and the civil society;
Study about constitutional conflicts (constitutional conflictology);
Study about constitutional delictness and constitutionally-legal responsibility (constitutional dialectology);
Study about the procedural form in the constitutional law and constitutional processing;
Study about municipalism as the basis of the civil society and modern constitutionalism. within the framework of general part of science of constitutional law it is expedient to examine basic tendencies of development of constitutional law in the modern world. special part in the system of science of constitutional law includes the so-called institutional constitutional law basic elements of which, on the whole are adequate to the basic sections of modern constitutions, representing studies about separate subjects and institutes of constitutional law. In particular, these questions are:
Study about rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen and the constitutionally-legal status;
Study about people and the constitutionally-legal status;
Study about the state and the constitutionally-legal status;
Study about parlamentarism and the constitutionally-legal status of parliament;
Study about constitutionally-legal status of head of the state, foremost presidentialism in the states with the republican form of rule;
Study about the executive power and constitutionally-legal status of the government, central and local bodies of the executive power;
Study about the t judicial power and constitutionally-legal status of courts;
Study about control (control-supervisory) power and constitutionally-legal status of its bodies;
Study about territorial organization of the state and its administrative-territorial structure;
Study about the municipal power and constitutionally-legal status of local self- management.
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. Конституційне право в Російській Федераці...