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Реферат Civil marriage in Russia

sexual relations etc. Thus on the foreground leaves the argument stated in favour of a civil marriage, consisting that at short-reception of compensations, increase in expenses and reduction of incomes, co-habitation stops, without bearing behind itself any consequences from the legal point of view. The importance of this or that compensation or loss depends on its value for the concrete individual.

The people entering meaning in a civil marriage, receive more benefits from such form of mutual relations, than from the registered marriage. And these benefits are valuable to them in their system of values. One of problems of the given research is opening of the reasons of why people enter a civil marriage. What those significant values ​​for the individual which it can and gets thus making the family.

В В  Conclusion

"De facto marriage "has entered into our life promptly and has taken roots so naturally as if it is a question of any technical novelty, and at all about the phenomenon mentioning the major public institute - a family. The concept "De facto marriage" has appeared in Russia in XIX century among a part of the advanced intelligency as alternative to church marriage which in consciousness of the majority of the population was is unique the lawful. After branch of church from the state unique legitimate marriage in Russia becomes official, state, ie de facto marriage. However the population part still began to name de facto marriage informal marriage relations. There was a phenomenon of Russian "de facto marriage". In essence "de facto marriage "in Russia is a co-habitation of the people, doing not wish to connect itself the matrimonial both parental rights and duties.

Now in a modern society "de facto marriage" has got the certain legitimacy, with the given relations already to surprise nobody, moreover, many justify its existence. Nevertheless, disputes concerning civil marriages do not cease also the relation to them far not the unequivocal.


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