The Decree on Primogeniture was repealed in 1781 at the request of the nobility. By decree of 10 December 1719 the State retained the right to bowels of the earth and to the "vegetation of the earth" (forests). The felling the ship timber was forbidden under the fear death penalty (in 1782 Ordinance was repealed by Catherine II and the nobles became the absolute owner of bowels of the earth and forests). Lands were divided on privat and public.of establishing property rights:
taking a thing no one belonging (extraction of minerals, animal capture, fishing) offspring of animals and fruits of plants,
Awarding of land by the state
the increment (dry river bank),
the finding (if the owner was not found) or a fee of 1/3 price from the thing
Contracts (gift, barter, sale, pledge - in case of delay of repayment).
In family law had been significant changes. By The Decree on Primogeniture 1714 was installed age for marriage 20 years for men and 17 for women. After the death of Peter I was set the previous marriage age 15 and 13 years. The Decree of the Synod in 1744 was identified the limiting marriage age - 80 years.
the time of Peter s death in 1725, Russia controlled territory six times greater than at the time of Ivan the Terrible. The Russian empire was thirty times larger than that of France. Because of Peter s efforts to employ technology, many Westerners and western ideas flowed into Russia for the first time. A new class of educated Russians emerged. Sadly however, the split between the serfs and educated class widened, and the serfs hated Peter more than ever.his predecessors, Peter fostered the idea that his actions were for the good of the country; that the state s interest were more important than his own personal interests. He was the first Czar to distinguish between his person as ruler and the state. He required his nobles to take two oaths, one to him as ruler, and the other to the state itself. For the first time in history, the Czar attached explanations to his decrees in an attempt to gain the confidence and support of the populace. Even so, the Czar had the last word, and this became a continuing source of tension between the Czar and the people that finally erupted in 1917. Even so, Peter s actions moved Russia into the modern era and closer to the West. His ideas allowed Russia to participate in the age Enlightenment under Catherine the Great.
1.Paul Dukes The making of Russian absolutism, 1613-1801, - Longman, 1990, - 240 p. p> 2.Martha Moore European History, - Kaplan Publishing, 2009, - 387 p. p> 3.Perry Anderson Lineages of the absolutist state, - Verso, 1974, - 573 p. p> 4.John Holland Rose The development of the European nations, 1870-1914, - Putnam's sons, 1916, - 786 p. br/>