="justify"> [si? kwen?? l] ( there are several interviews in turn, with a different interviewer each time).
. Прокуратура України, основні Функції
The Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine
According to the Constitution of Ukraine, the Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine constitutes a unified system that is entrusted with:
1) prosecution in court on behalf of the State;
2) representation of the interests of a citizen or of the State in court in cases determined by law;
3) supervision of the observance of laws by bodies that conduct detective and search activity (оперативно-розшукова діяльність), inquiry (дізнання) and pre-trial investigation (досудове Слідство);
4) supervision of the observance of laws in the execution of judicial decisions in criminal cases, and also in the application of other measures of coercion related to the restraint of personal liberty of citizens. The Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine is headed by the Prosecutor General of Ukraine, who is appointed to office with the consent of the VR of Ukraine, and dismissed from office by the President of Ukraine. The V.R. of Ukraine may express no confidence in the Prosecutor General of Ukraine that results in his or her resignation from office. The term of authority of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine is five years
19. Адвокатура України
The BarUkrainian Bar is a voluntary professional public association of lawyers. According to the Constitution it is called upon to facilitate the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, institutions and organizations, to ensure the observance and promotion of legality and administration of justice. The Bar represents legal interests of Ukrainian and foreign citizens. The work of a lawyer is various. He may act as a defence counsel during pre-trial investigation and in court, representing interests of the plaintiff and defendant in civil and criminal cases. At the trial the lawyer is an active participant: he takes part in questioning the defendant and witnesses, submits evidence and at the end of the court hearing he pronounces his speech for the defence. Lawyers are also entitled to appeal against a court judgment in a higher court. Citizens of Ukraine can discharge the functions of lawyers if they have higher legal education, at least two years of work experience, have passed the qualification examination, received lawyer's certificate and taken lawyer's oath. br/>
20. Злочин. Тіпологія злочінів
Crime is an action or activity that is against the law or illegal activity generally for which there is punishment by law. Crimes against people include assault, kidnapping, murder & sexual attacks. Crimes against property include arson, burglary, embezzlement (розтрат), forgery, fraud & vandalism. Crimes against public order or morality include disorderly conduct, illegal gambling, prostitution, public drunkenness & vagrancy (бродяжніцтво). Other important kinds of crime include organized crime & white-collar crime. Organized crime consists of large-scale activities by groups of gangsters or racketeers. White-collar crime includes criminal acts committed by business & professional people, petty theft by employees. p align="justify"> burglary - крадіжка Із злом;
- hijacking - повітряне Піратство;
vandalism - вандалізм;
arson - підпал;
shoplifting - крадіжка у крамниці;
terrorism - тероризму;
rape - згвалтування;
kidnapping - Викрадення людей;
smuggling - контрабанда;
fraud - шахрайство;
blackmail - шантаж;
mugging - грабіж з насильством (на Вулиці);
- tort - громадське Правопорушення;
drug pushing/dealing/trafficking - торгівля наркотиками;
assault - Напад з побоями;
misdemeanour - Адміністративний проступок;
grand larceny - крадіжка у великих розмірах;
- petty larceny - дрібна крадіжка;
felony - тяжкий злочин;
offence - злочин;
murder - вбивство;
pickpocketing - кишеньковий крадіжка;
assassination - вбивство з політічніх мотівів;
hooliganism - хуліганство;
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