is a cup of tea or coffee at around eleven o'clock. In fact, people drink tea or coffee whenever they feel like it. This is usually quite often. p> For the urban working class (and a wider section of the population in Scotland and Ireland) tea is the evening meal, eaten as soon as people get home from work. More often than not this is called supper.
Although modern Brits are not the world's biggest tea drinkers, they take the first place in the world in consuming sugar-more than five kilograms per person per year. It is common in most households for family meal to finish with a prepared sweet dish which is called either "pudding" or "sweet" or "desert". Sugar is also present in almost every tinned food item and sweets which means both all kinds of chocolate and also what Americans call "candy".
Our research would be incomplete if we didn't mention a pub, one of the strongholds of British traditions, but even this has yielded (surrendered) to the time. Traditionally pubs used to serve almost nothing but beer and spirits. These days you can get wine, coffee and some hot food at most of them as well. While in1980 food accounted for only 10 per cent of profits now it accounts for more than 30 per cent.
At one time, it was unusual for women to go to the pubs. These days, only a few pubs exist where it is surprising for a woman to walk in.
Even beer served in modern pubs is not what it used to be. Since most pubs are not privately owned and belong to huge breweries they offer their customers what is known as keg beer, a pasteurized brew containing Carbon dioxide, which is easier to store. Another threat to pub quality is the noise of loud music making conversation harder with a counterfeit atmosphere of conviviality.
It has become a commonplace to say that studying a foreign language is impossible without studying a foreign culture. Although food and clothing peculiarities we have examined in our research may seem unimportant at first sight their significance can't be underestimated. A lot of people still fail to understand that cultural differences arise out of the specific development of each country and tend to assume that the manners, customs and habits of their own country represent more or less absolute norms. When they hear, or discover for themselves, that people in other countries act and think differently, they assume that this is odd, unnatural or even abnormal. Then it's only a small step to regarding their own nation superior to all others. When these people leave their home country for another one "culture shock" is the merest problem they are destined to face.
Civil society is based on four crucial notions: diversity, tolerance, respect, and consensus. Without an awareness of diversity and tolerance it is difficult to develop respect. Without respect it is impossible to achieve consensus. It is our hope that the present research gives an opportunity to go beyond stereotyped images, to examine the more complex realities of modern Britain and its people. It also attempts to assess the changes taking place in modern Britain, at least, in some areas of activity. Consequently it may be viewed as our contribution to the development of modern multicultural multi polar society.
List of Literature
1.Adrian Room, An A to Z of British Life, Oxford University Press, 1990
2.Ford Martyn, Legon Peter, The How to be British collection, Lee Gone Publications, 2007
3.McDowall David, Britain in close-up, Longman, Person Education Limited 1999
4.O 'Driscoll James, Britain, Oxford University Press, 1995
5.Polhemus Ted, Street style: From walk to Catwalk, Thames and Hudson
6. Silk Paul, How Parliament works, Longman 1987
7. Sampson, Anthony, The Essential Anotony of Britain: Democracy in Crisis, Hodolerand Stoughton 1992. br/>