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Реферат National varieties of English

eard in some type of Australian speech from early times. Some general remarks concerning the origins of Australian pronunciation are ventured by AG Mitchell and A.Delbridge, Australian linguists, who have done a thorough investigation of Australian pronunciation. They maintain that Australian is in its origins a town speech, since the overwhelming number of convicts and early settlers were from the towns, it was in its origins a working class speech, the language of people who were poor and for tye most part unskilled, it included ways of speech characteristic of many parts of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. The authors conclude that since all these forms were brought in Australia, and this had ever happened in England, Australian speech began as a levelling and generalization of a number of English local dialects. Moreover speech developed in Australian in a society in which there has been constant movement from place to place and social mobility from the beginning.These internal population movements, added to mobility in the social structure itself, have provided the conditions in which the national variety of English has developed in Australia. Australian English <# "justify"> MONOPHTHONGS /?//?/Bid, pit/i ? // i < span align = "justify">? /bead, peat /?// e/bed, pet /Г¦// Г¦ , Г¦ ? /pat, bad/a ? // a ? ,? ? /balm, father, pa /?//?/bod, pot, cot /? ? < span align = "justify">// o ? /bawd, paw, caught /?//?/good, foot , put/u ? //?/booed, food /?// a/bud, putt5.DIPHTHONGS/a? //? e/buy, high, ride, write/e?/ /Г¦ ?/bay, hey, fate/ a?/ /Г¦ ?/bough, how, pout/o?//??/beau, hoe, poke/ ??// o?/boy, hoy/ju// j?/beauty, hue, pew, new

Australian English pronunciation is most similar to that of New Zealand English <# "justify"> 9. Maritimes

Maritimer <# "justify"> 10. Phonemic incidence

pronunciation of certain words has both American and British influence; some pronunciations are more distinctively Canadian.

В· The name of the letter <# "justify"> Conclusion

considering the history and development of the English language we may maintain that owing to interactions of linguistic and extralinguistic factors the present-day pronunciation of the English language comprises such national varieties as ...

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