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Реферат Lexico-semantical Peculiarities of Edgar Allan Poe's tales

stion about the verge of being and not being, about the sense of being emerges here. Person, who wasn t on the verge of death, will never appreciate the Beauty and Charm of Life. The author often observed his heroes, who are in "the state of seeming nothingness"; mental and physical state of heroes in different situations is conveyed through such lexical units, as:, nervousness, tremour, iceness, dreariness, madness, stupor, mental disorder, intoxication, the elate of seeming nothingness, agony, swoon, delirium, confusion of mind, haziness, insensibility, imbecility, sickness, fit, unconsciousness; to unnerve, to dream, to faint .. Poe s personages are, as a rule, very talented people. Their spiritual world is complicated and many-sided. They admire theatre, music, and painting. They are creative personalities with their own peculiar seeing of events and rich inner life, and often they try to find their self-expression in the creative work. Wide usage of words and word combinations, which belong to the lexico-semantic group Arts in the E. Poe s tales determined it, such as:, art, thing of art, image, improvisation, canvas, painting, vignette, background, frame, design, pallet, brush, reading, verses, ballad, rhyme, volume, guitar, rhapsodies.system of the vocabulary of the work of art is determined not only linguistic, but also extralinguistic factors: thematic directivity of the tales, peculiarities of the depicted material, ideology, author s aesthetic views, his creative manner. Such approach allowed to understand deeply Edgar Allan Poe s creative idea, ideal contents and aesthetic intentions.


his works Poe put man with all his characteristic passions and faults in quite fantastic situations. The minute realistic details, woven into the fantastic pattern of the story, make us see the fanciful as if it were reality.Allan Poe is remembered as the poet who established a new symbolic poetry and the new short story based on psychological analysis. He invented the story of detection, and in science fiction made man ok beyond the conventional world and appreciate the power of his intellect.sum it up, I must say it was very interesting for me to work on this question, as many readers do not appreciate the name of this talented writer and poet. So, working on this problem I tried to persuade the readers what a master the world has given to us. p align="justify"> Literatere

1. Ахмедова У.Е. Едгар По - майстер новели. Махачкала, 1980.

2. Ковальов Ю.В. За - новеліст і співає. Л., 1984.


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