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Реферат Is teaching an art or is it a science?

such ww as: a sentence pattern, to establish, bury. I am sure that you didn t use them during the past two weeks. So they are receptive lexis i.e. set of ww we recognise and understand but don t use in everyday speech. And the ww that are used actively for communication, which are part of your everyday English are productive lexis. We shall discuss how to present productive lexis. Remember: When teaching vocabulary it is important to teach meaning, use, form and pronunciation.are two ways of explaining the meaning of the word: translation and direct way. The first way of presenting the word: a direct translation of the word. Translating a new word can be useful. It is often the simplest and clearest way of showing what a word means. When the teacher presents words denoting abstract. Direct way of presenting the words brings the learner into direct contact with them without using his native language. The direct way is used when concrete words denoting concrete things, actions and qualities are introduced. The teacher uses objects, pictures, movements, gestures and mimes to presenting the words directly without using the students native language. Another technique of presenting the words is through context, synonyms, antonyms, definitions. But remember: we should not only have the students repeat the word. We should point out difficult sounds and word stress. Establishing Meaning, Use, Form and Pronunciation: 1. Say the word; 2. Give the part of speech; 3. Give a definition (Meaning); (make sure that the language used to describe the word is less complex than the word itself.) 4. Give an example sentence using the word or an example situation to provide the context (Use); 5. Check understanding by asking several questions based upon the above context; 6. Broaden understanding by seeing how the word can and can t be used; 7. Relate the word to the Ss experience; 8. Have Ss repeat the word and point out word stress. (Pronunciation); 9. Point out any irregular rules in the formation of past tense, plurals, etc. (Form). Rules for the teacher: 1. Introduce words in sentence patterns in different situations of intercourse. 2. While introducing a word, pronounce it yourself in a context, ask students to pronounce it both individually and in unison in a context too. 3. In teaching words it is necessary to help the learners to practise, learn, remember, recall and use the ww. To remember better the students should do various exercises. Constant use of a new word is the best way of learning it.

teaching language pronunciation science

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