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Реферат Is teaching an art or is it a science?

technical, and cultural information. In this situation foreign language teaching is a matter of state significance. In modern society language is used in two ways: directly or orally, and indirectly or in written form. Thus we distinguish oral language and written language. Direct communication implies a speaker and a hearer, indirect communication implies a writer and a reader. Hence the practical aims in teaching a foreign language are four in number: hearing, speaking, reading, and writing.are the first and most important consideration in any teaching. Hence the teacher should know exactly what his pupils are expected to achieve in learning his subject, what changes he can bring about in his pupils at the end of the course, at the end of the year, term, month, week, and each particular lesson, he should know the aims and objectives of foreign language teaching. The changes the teacher must bring about in his pupils may be threefold: practical - pupils acquire habits and skills in using a foreign language; educational - they develop their mental abilities and intelligence in the process of learning the foreign language; сultural - pupils extend their knowledge of the world in which they live. Therefore there are three aims, at least, which should be achieved in foreign language teaching: practical, educational, and cultural.aim of teaching Pronunciation is not to achieve a perfect imitation of a native speaker, but simply to teach students to pronounce accurately to be easily understood by other speakers. In order to communicate you should understand a person you are talking with and he or she should understand you. Wrong pronunciation often leads to misunderstanding. Improving pronunciation will develop your self esteem, facilitate communication, and possibly lead to a better job or at least more respect in the workplace. Effective communication is of greatest importance, so choose first to work on problems that significantly hinder communication and let the rest go. Remember that your students also need to learn strategies for dealing with misunderstandings, since native pronunciation is for most an unrealistic goal.we teach sounds, we want our students not only to speak correctly, but also to recognise sound and spelling correspondence. We also want them to be able to discriminate between similar-sounding phonemes.and its opposite - unstress - are very important aspects of English pronunciation. Getting the stress wrong can seriously damage your chances of being understood. Words have their own stress pattern; e.g. water, cricket, awful are stressed on the first syllable. A stressed syllable is usually noticeable by being slightly louder, longer and higher than the syllables next to it. Sometimes wrong stress changes one word into another: desert - dessert (пустеля - десерт). Should distinguish productive and receptive lexis.understand many more ww than we use in our everyday life. E.g. in this lecture you have heard ...

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