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Реферат Private sector and human-resource development in Georgia

ed poverty at least once during the year 1999-2000, and 60 percent of the population faced a real risk of experiencing poverty in the medium term. The high degree of vulnerability of households led them to apply strategies which may tend to increase chronic (Long-term) poverty (eg, shifting to subsistence farming, or pulling children out of school).

Urban and Rural Poverty . The trend in overall poverty reflects somewhat different developments in urban and rural poverty. In 1997, rural and urban poverty incidence were almost the same. In 1999, the urban poverty headcount doubled in comparison to 1997, whilst the rural headcount increased by 37.3 percent. Then in 2000, responding to the non-agricultural sector recovery after the Russian crisis, urban poverty dropped by 10.2 percent, stabilized in 2001 and declined further by 6.2 percent in 2002. Because of the drought, rural poverty increased in 2000, remained unchanged in 2001 and only in 2002 decreased by 2.9 percent. As a result, the difference between the urban and rural headcount has narrowed - while in 1999, the urban poverty headcount was almost 50 percent over that in the rural population, in 2002 it was 9 percent higher.

Determinants of Poverty. The Georgia Poverty Update identified that the strongest determinants of poverty risk in Georgia in the period between 1998 and 2000 were economic: employment status, sector of employment, ownership of productive assets and education. It found an elevated poverty risk among urban households, households with an unemployed head and female headed households, as well as children aged 7-15, the disabled, those with low levels of education, single pensioners and orphans were experiencing. The working poor are becoming the majority, often employed in the informal sector with insecure, temporary and low productivity jobs.

Non-Income Indicators of Poverty. Non-income indicators of poverty in Georgia, inherited from Soviet times, still compare favorably with those of countries with similar per capita income. The UNDP 2003 Human Development Report ranks Georgia 88 th among 175 nations. However, Georgia faces a major challenge in sustaining these relatively favorable indicators. Studies conducted by various international organizations (UNICEF, USAID, EC, etc.), indicate that there has been no improvement in the indicators during the 1990s. In fact, maternal mortality rate, immunization rates, access to health and education, access to safe water and sanitation and other living conditions indicators have deteriorated and the quality of social services has worsened substantially in comparison to the pre-transition situation.

Internally Displaced People . IDPs vulnerability to poverty is magnified by their lack of access to land. Thus IDPs living in collective centers are 3 ВЅ times less likely to have access to land than the local population, and those living i...

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