Теми рефератів
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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Traffic indicators investigation

Реферат Traffic indicators investigation

Traffic indicators investigation

1. Theoretical information

flight airspace flow

Control Zone - a controlled airspace extending upwards from the surface of the earth to a specified upper limit, control and ATS of which is provided by appropriate ATS unit.

Terminal Control Area - a control area normally established at the confluence of ATS routes in the vicinity of one or more major aerodromes.main purpose of TMAs is the provision of safe flights for aircraft leaving system of ATS routes for landing at given airdrome or taking-off from the airdrome and entering the ATS routes system.required TMA dimensions are determined by provision of descend and landing approach conditions via the shortest way (straight-in approach) for aircraft, which passed entrance corridor at the upper established flight level for TMA till the transition level and moment of reaching CTR borders, taking into account aircraft performance characteristics for aircraft operating at this airdrome.in approach pattern is considered like the most economical and provides the TMA capacity almost corresponding to norm, but requires greater TMA dimensions.of TMA radius is performed according to formulas:

ТМА? д max + S late + S des + S CTR/2;

S late=MC * (t wl + t react); des=MCS * (H ent - H GPE)/v y, where:

д max - error of determination by the crew of moment of flight over outer marker (the border of TMA); late - distance, of flight of aircraft from the moment of flight of outer marker to the moment of beginning of descent;

S des - distance of flight of the aircraft at the descending from Н ent to Н GPE; CTR - size of CTR from side of approach;

MC - true air speed of flight of the aircraft at the entrance in aerodrome zone;

t wl - average time of occupancy of ATCo by a radio exchange with other crew; react - ATS system delay;

Н ent - altitude (flight level) of entrance in aerodrome zone;

Н GPE - glide slope entrance height; - forward speed of an aircraft at the descending from Н ВХ to Н ВГ; y - rate of descent of an aircraft from Н ent to Н GPE

ATS route - certain route assigned for directing traffic flow with the aim of ATS provision. This term is used for airways, controlled or uncontrolled routes, conditional routes, arrival and departure routes etc.

Airway - an airspace corridor with limited height and width and equipped with ground based navigation aids.

Air corridor - connection between ATS routes and control zone.

Types of air corridors:

· arrival (approach) to the aerodrome area;

· departure from the aerodrome area;

· mixed (arrival, departure).

Air Traffic - all aircraft at flight or moving in aerodrome manoeuvring zone.

Separation - intervals between aircraft, levels or tracks.

Flight Level - a surface of constant atmospheric pressure which is related to a specific pressure datum, 1 013.2 hectopascals (hPa), and is separated from other such surfaces by specific pressure intervals.1. A pressure type altimeter calibrated in accordance with the standard atmosphere:

1. when set to a QNH altimeter setting, will indicate altitude;

2. when set to a QFE altimeter setting, will indicate height above the QFE reference datum;

. when set to a pressure 1 013.2 hPa, may be used to indicate flight levels.2. The terms «height» and «altitude», used in Note 1 above, indicate altimetric rather than geometric heights and altitudes.

When we set QFE pressure it will show us a relative height over the aabutment point of QFE; we set pressure 760mm (1013,2 Hpa) it may be used for indication of flight levels;

Air traffic management - is a complex of ground and onboard facilities, that are necessary for provision of safety of flight during all its steps.

Air traffic service - flight information service, consultative service, emergency service, air traffic control service (approach air traffic control service, terminal air traffic control service, area air traffic control service)

Intensity of flight - amount of aircra...

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