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Реферат The concept of european citizenship in treatment of the court of the European Union

conformity with the law of EU conditions of realization of suffrages at elections to the European Parliament proceeding from criteria of residing on that territory on which the corresponding elections are carried out, however the principle of equal application interferes with that the elected criterion resulted in inequality in application with the citizens being in comparable situations if such distinction is not objectively justified (item 61) .the another case [38] Spain has applied in Court in connection with prospective evasion of Great Britain from execution of obligations taken on the Treaty and granting of the right to participate in elections to the citizens of the Commonwealth residing in Gibraltar. The position of Spain was based on the presumption of interrelation between citizenship of the Union and the suffrages stipulated in the Treaty. The court of EU has paid attention to the fact that citizenship of the Union is the fundamental status of the citizens of states - members, however it does not assume, that the rights stipulated in the Treaty are distributed only on the given persons (item 74 ). In regulations of item 2 Article 19 of the Treaty there is stipulated the rule about the equal reference with the citizens of the Union residing in the state - member at realization of suffrages. However it does not mean, that the state - member can not give the given rights to the persons having close relations with this state, but not being its citizens (item 76). According to the legal position of the Court, distribution of suffrages at elections to the European Parliament to the persons not being citizens of the country, influences only the choice of representatives of the given state and does not influence on will of voters in other states -members (item 72) .scientific researches discussions about nature of the European citizenship has not stopped whether the given legal design means belonging to the number of persons, being primary subjects of the European law and possessing the specific legal, political and social and economic status , or it means only investment of the citizens of states - members with some additional rights [39]. The analysis of activities of the Court of EU already allows to make choice for the benefit of the first position and to recognize, that the concept of citizenship of the Union has received legal registration.

state european economic citizen


1. Див .: Soysal Y. Limits of Citizenship: Migrants and Postnational Membership in Europe.- Chicago, 2014. - P. 159.

. Див .: Rosas A. Nationality and Citizenship in a changing European and world order//Law under Exogenous Influence.- Turku, 2014. - P. 49.

. Court of Justice of the European Communities. Case C - 369/90 Mi cheletti and Others v. Delegaci? N del Gobierno en Cantabria. Judgment of 7 July 1992. Para. 10; Case C - 148/02 Garcia Avello v? Tat belge. Judgment of 2 October 2003. Para. 28; Case C - 200/02 Zhu, Chen v. Secretary of State for the Home Department. Judgment of 19 October 2004. Para. 39. Рішення Суду цит. по: # justify gt; 4. CJEC. Case C - 369/90 Micheletti and Others v. Delegaci? N del Gobierno en Cantabria. Judgment of 7 July 1992. Para. 11.

. CJEC. Case C - 200/02 Zhu, Chen v. Secretary of State for the Home Department. Judgment of 19 October 2004. Para. 40.

6. CJEC. Case C - 136/78 Minist? Re Public v. Auer. Judgment of 7 February 1979. Para. 28.

. Див .: Хартлі Т.К. Основи права Європейського співтовариства.- М., 1998. - С.8.

. Див .: Федералізм: теорія, інститути, відносини (порівняльно-правове дослідження/відп. Ред. Б.Н. Топорнін. М., 2001. С. 361; Rosenfeld M. Rapporteur s Report on the Citizenship and Social Diversity Theme. International Conference on Federalism. Mont-Tremblant, October 1999//forumfed.

9. Як відзначається в літературі, в історичне перспективі право на рівне поводження незалежно від громадянства було найбільш важливим з прав, передбачених матеріальним правом Співтовариства. У трактуванні Суду ЄС зміст ст. 12 Договору зазнало істотну модифікацію: положення загального та програмного характеру перетворилися на самостійний джерело прав і обов'язків, що виходять за рамки відносин, які охоплюються поняттям «внутрішній ринок», а дію статті було поширене на широке коло ситуацій. Див .: Tridimas T. The General Principles of EC Law.- Oxford, 1999. - P. 77, 87.

. CJEC. Case C - 85/96 Martinez Sala v. Freistaat Bayern. Judgment of 12 May 1998.

. Згодом дана правова позиція була підтверджена в наступних рішеннях: CJEC. Case C - 184/99 Grzelczuk v. Centre public d aide sociale d Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve. Judgment of 20...

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