d with crops opium of a poppy have reached the lowest level since 1988, i.e. in 2009 crops опійного a poppy occupied the areas, on 17% smaller, than in 2000. The areas on which it is cultivated the cook, too have reached the lowest level since 1987, and in 2009 cooks occupied crops on 14% of less areas under crops, than in 2000.
• the share of illegal drugs manufacture in economy of the basic countries-manufacturers of drugs Has decreased. Even in those countries where the level of production of narcotic substances all the same has high indicators, the share of manufacture of drugs in gross national product falls - in Colombia it has fallen to 2,5% after has risen on 7% from the middle of 1980th years.
• By the end of last decade consumption of drugs in the developed countries was stabilised or has decreased; in comparison with the last decade cocaine consumption in the North America has fallen, abusing heroin in the Western Europe was stabilised. p> «Has come to change time our sight at drugs, - the chief executive of UBNPP Pino Arlachi speaks. - The World community should refuse the psychology of the despair which has captured minds of generation, and to believe that nothing can return us back and the more so will force us to stop nothing on the reached. We should concentrate on the pragmatically, integrated, long-term approach to reduction in demand and offers concerning illegal drugs. Joint efforts we can really reach within eight years of two purposes - essential reduction of demand for drugs and destructions of manufacture cooks and opium a poppy ».
Thus, despite all extending expansion of drugs business, long-term experience of many countries of the world on search of ways of an effective control over it already now allows to see positive results. And, probably, in the long term the international community can fix the first successes in struggle against a drug trafficking and deepen the positive tendencies traced on a boundary of centuries.
The drugs business characteristic: criminal groups, kinds of drugs, stages of manufacture and distribution, sale territory
Illegal activity on manufacture and spread of drug addiction is now one of the most widespread sources of incomes of the transnational criminal organisations. And the drugs business industry has defined substantially dynamics and the general prospects of development of the transnational organised crime in the end of the XX-th century. p> The virtual (actual) corporation which is so persistently propagandised by theorists of management as leading competitive enterprise structure of XXI century, has already found the real embodiment: 1) drugs businessmen develop the general network structure of the independent companies, 2) they communicate, professional skills, price control methods, 3) open access on the markets each other; 4) unite the potentials in attempts of creation and use of the new markets in various regions of the world.
Among experts there are disputes on drugs cartels concern what type of the organisation. Experts of Management in struggle against drugs of the USA define cartel as В«the big corporation having a number of vice-presidentsВ». Each of them heads any branch or "the consortium" which members work together when it is them arranges. When necessity disappears, they operate at own risk. The American magazine "Time" considers cartel В«confederation of criminal families В», and the Colombian magazine" Semana "characterises it as В«federation of numerous independent groups which conclude from time to time the strategic unions В». Experts of an English weekly journal "Economist" reject these definitions, declaring that the term "Cartel" simplifies organizational structure of the corporations which are engaged in the drugs traffic that quite often conducts to errors in struggle against them. The Chilean experts giving a great attention to the given problem underline transnational character of drugs business: В«the Drugs traffic is not one more kind of illegal activity, which great variety. This huge and difficult transnational enterprise which generated the new phenomenon in the modern world, namely so-called drugs economy В».
Many analysts consider that the international narcooperations left far for frameworks of purely "economic activities". One of researchers of this problem, James Millz, characterises drugs business as follows: В«The international industry of drugs is actually at all and not the industry, it is empire. Sovereign, self-satisfied and haughty it is underground empire though and often torn apart by internal struggle, always addressed to the world community the rallied front. Today it showed herself to the world so immensely money-grubbing and ruthlessly exploiter, as well as any imperial state of a XIX-th century, so extensive, as well as British Empire, so capable to resolute rallying, as well as the American republi...