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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Контрольные работы » Cities of Canada

Реферат Cities of Canada

is occasionally struck by earthquakes. Around the main urban area is an extensive greenbelt, administered by the National Capital Commission for conservation and leisure, and comprising mostly forest, farmland and marshland.has a humid continental climate with four distinct seasons.are warm and humid in Ottawa. Daytime temperatures of 30 В° C or higher are commonplace. Snow and ice are dominant during the winter season. Days well above freezing and nights below? 30 В° C both occur in the winter. Spring and fall are variable, prone to extremes in temperature and unpredictable swings in conditions.of Ottawacity dominated by government bureaucrats, much of its architecture tends to be formalistic and functional. However, the city is also marked by Romantic and Picturesque styles of architecture such as the Parliament Building's gothic revival architecture.general stereotype of Ottawa architecture is that it is staid and unambitious.thoroughfares are home to many boutiques, museums, theaters, galleries, landmarks and memorials, while dominated by eating establishments, cafes, bars and nightclubs. As Canada's capital, Ottawa has played host to a number of significant cultural events in Canadian history, including the first visit of the reigning Canadian sovereign-King George VI, with his consort, Queen Elizabeth-to his parliament, on 19 May 1939. was marked with a large celebration on 8 May 1945. In 2010, Ottawa's Festival industry received the IFEA "World Festival and Event City Award" for the category of North American cities with a population between 500,000 and 1,000,000. AttractionsChildren's MuseumCCM is among the most popular museums in the country, attracting about half a million visitors each year. It is also Canada's largest exhibition centre designed specifically for children up to age 14 and their adult companions.Gallery of CanadaGallery has a large and varied collection of paintings, drawings, sculpture and photographs. The museum features Canadian, Native and Inuit art, American and European prints and drawings, moderns and contemporary art and photographs. 'S Lakeis a small man-made lake on the Rideau Canal. n May, the surrounding park, Commissioner's Park, displays tulips planted by the National Capital Commission for the annual Canadian Tulip Festival. Over 50 varieties and approximately 300,000 tulips bloom each May along the Rideau Canal. During the winter, Dow's Lake freezes and becomes part of the world's longest skating rink and one of the primary sites of the Winterlude festival in February, with events such as the 'bed races' and 'waiter races' on the ice.Royal Canadian MintRoyal Canadian Mint produces all of Canada's circulation coins and manufactures circulation coins on behalf of other nations. The Mint also designs and manufactures: precious and base metal collector coins; gold, silver, palladium, and platinum bullion coins; medals, as well as medal...

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