pt in cases of sudden or armed attacks on citizens, military personnel, members of voluntary groups to protect public order, an attack using vehicles, military equipment, aircraft. baton used on limbs with a force sufficient to stop the wrongful act. not use rubber baton on the head, neck, collarbone, abdomen, genitals and other vital organs, and women with obvious signs of pregnancy, the elderly, the disabled with severe signs of disability, as adolescents, unless they commit a group attack resistance threatening the life or health of others, law enforcement or armed attack or armed resistance. of the rules applying rubber batons or exceeding the minimum sufficient force during its use entails responsibility established by the current legislation of Ukraine [10, c.34]. tear substances irritant action in aerosol containers. when exhausted action preventive effect on the offender and during suppression of illegal acts that do not constitute a major public threat and provided administrative legislation of Ukraine, in the following cases:
When committing the evil of disobedience lawful order or requirement of a police officer, a member of the voluntary formation, soldier while performing their duties for the protection of public order;
To apprehend offenders in the exercise of administrative proceedings and criminal proceedings and enforcement measures in accordance with court decisions. p align="justify"> To protect citizens and protect themselves from unlawful acts, if the life or health of others, a police officer threatened. tear substances must be preceded by notice of intent to use them except in cases of sudden or armed attack, when along with the use of vehicles, combat vehicles, aircraft. substances irritant action in aerosol containers are used within 90cm for 1-2 seconds at the chest. not use tear matter to women with obvious signs of pregnancy, the elderly, the disabled with severe signs of disability, as adolescents, unless they commit a group attack resistance, threatening the health of others, police or armed attack or armed resistance. not use tear matter where they may get hurt by others. use of tear substances irritant action entails responsibility established by the current legislation of Ukraine [10, c.56]. of handcuffs. means of passive impact on the offender. Applies when depleted preventive measures impact on the offender and during termination wrongful act in the following cases:
When committing the evil of disobedience lawful order or requirement of a police officer, a member of the voluntary formation, soldier while performing their duties for the protection of public order;
To apprehend offenders in the exercise of administrative proceedings and criminal proceedings and enforcement measures in accordance with court decisions. p align="justify"> To protect citizens and protect themselves from unlawful acts, if...