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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Складання міжнародного контракту купівлі-продажу

Реферат Складання міжнародного контракту купівлі-продажу

леграфний адреса - _____________

Факс - _______________________ Факс - __________________________

Телефон - ____________________ Телефон - _______________________

ІПН - ______________________ ІПН - _________________________

Розрахунковий рахунок N _____________ Розрахунковий рахунок N ________________

в банку ______________________ у банку _________________________

в г.__________________________ в г._____________________________

кор.счет N ___________________ кор.счет N ______________________

БИК - ______________________ БИК - ___________________________

(Прізвище, І.О.) (Прізвище, І.О.)


(Продавець) (покупець)

« »_______________200__ Року« »__________________200__ Року

м.п. м.п.

CONTRACT № 1129-14 15 February 2014company GMBH Berns, hereinafter referred to as Seller, on behalf of the Plenipotentiary Mr. Alexander Mueller Witberg, acting under power of attorney, on the one hand, and the company Unicom (LLC Unicom), hereinafter referred to as Buyer, in the person of its Director Mr. Ivanov Maxim Yurievich, acting under the Charter, on the other hand, have concluded this Contract (hereinafter - the Contract) as follows:

. Subject of the contractsellers have sold and the buyers have bought on the terms of delivery EXW GMBH Berns (Germany) «Incoterms - 2000» products.goods mean gear reducer part of the gearbox on the car Volkswagen Passat CC. Number of spare parts And 163820050608f30. HS code 87 08 406009 «spare parts for gear boxes, pressed steel»

. Quantity of goodsquantity of the goods subject to sale is eight (8) units (number of delivered goods (units) is measured in units).

. The quality of the goodsquality of the delivered under this Contract goods is confirmed by the certificate of quality. The certificate of conformity on the invoice - an essential Supplement to the contract. Delivery of the damaged goods is equal to the supply of goods of improper quality.

. Time and dateto in article 1 of the present Contract the goods supplied by the Seller within 10 days from the date of contract concluding.date of delivery shall be the date of receipt of the equivalent transport documents to electronic messages (EDI), issued appointment to the name and address of the Buyer.

. Packing and markingseller makes the goods properly Packed (cardboard box), sealed in the inner packaging, inseparable from the goods and маркірованим for the purposes of identification and safety during transportation, loading and / or storage.provides full safety of the Goods and protect it from damage during transportation.of goods is carried out by means of and at the expense of the manufacturer (Seller).

. Price and total cost of the contractunit price of the goods is 105 EUR (Euro), which corresponds to the price per unit of goods in the accounts on delivery.are EXW GMBH Berns (Germany). Rates are quoted in EUR.are fixed and cannot be changed.does not bear the cost of deliver...

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