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Реферат Складання міжнародного контракту купівлі-продажу

y of the goods on EXW conditions GMBH Berns (Germany), including the cost of transportation to the destination, value of export packaging and marking of goods loading and secure it in the vehicle (vehicles), as well as the payment of any export duties and taxes in the country of the Seller. These costs, as well as the relevant expenses in the country of the Buyer, the Buyer bears.amount of the contract is 840 EUR (Euro). Total amount of the contract cannot be changed.

. Terms of paymentfor the goods supplied under this Contract are made against the commercial account of the Seller by Bank transfer the invoice amount to the settlement account of the supplier specified in this Contract, for:

days net (the full amount of the invoice) from the due date stated in the commercial invoice;

days at a discount of 1% from the date of issue of commercial invoice;
10 days with 2% discount from the date of issue of commercial invoice ». Payment currency is Euro (EUR). Charges are to be paid as follows: expenses of the Seller for the Seller's account;

expenses of the Buyer - the Buyer's expense.

. Sanctionsthe Buyer: payment for the goods is not made in the period established by the contract, the Seller has the right to demand from the Buyer penalty calculated at a rate of 0.1% of the value of unpaid in time goods per each day of delay.

If a delay of payment of the value of the goods exceeds 14 (fourteen) days, the Seller has the right to demand from the Buyer penalty calculated at the rate of 0.2% of the value of the unpaid goods per each day of delay.

Payment of the penalty does not release the Buyer from the duties of the contract.Seller: a delivery is not made within the agreed by the parties in terms, the Seller pays the Buyer the penalty calculated at a rate of 0.1% of the value remain in the period of goods per each day of delay.the delay exceeds 14 (fourteen) days, the Seller pays the Buyer the penalty calculated at the rate of 0.2% of the value remain in the period of goods per each day of delay.the delay in delivery of all or part of a product exceeds 30 (thirty) days from the date established in this contract and its Appendix, in this case, the Seller shall pay to Purchaser a penalty in the amount of 0,5% from the sum of the whole contract or the unserved part of the Goods under the contract for each day of delay.of the fine does not relieve the Seller from the obligation to perform the contract.case of delivery of goods of improper quality the terms of the contract, the Seller pays the Buyer the penalty in amount of 0.1% of the original cost surveyed and rejected goods.of the penalty for breach of contract shall not relieve the seller from the reimbursement of damages caused to the Buyer because of non-compliance by the seller of the contract terms, and from the responsibilities for the performance of the contract. . Force majeureparties are relieved from responsibility for partial or full default of obligations under the present Contract if this non-fulfillment was caused by force majeure occurred after the conclusion of the contract as a result of extraordinary events, which the parties could not foresee or prevent by reasonable measures.force majeure events include, at which the parties can not influence and appearance are not responsible.the period of force majeure...

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