floattostr (k * strtofloat (form1.StringGrid3.Cells [Count2, count])); count: = 1 to form1.StringGrid4.ColCount -1 : = Tmp + form1.StringGrid3.RowCount -2; Count: = 2 to form1.StringGrid3.RowCount -1 do.StringGrid4.Cells [count + tmp-2, 0]: = form1.StringGrid3.Cells [0, count] ;; count: = tmp to form1.StringGrid4.ColCount-1 docount2: = 1 to form1.StringGrid4.RowCount - 1 doform1.StringGrid4.Cells [count, 0] = form1.StringGrid4.Cells [0, count2] then.StringGrid4 . Cells [count, count2]: = '1 '. StringGrid4.Cells [count, count2]: = '0';; Proverka (): boolean; Count, Count2: integer;: boolean;: = true;. StringGrid3. Cells [1,1]: = '0 '; Count: = 1 to form1.StringGrid3.RowCount -1 doCount2: = 1 to form1.StringGrid3.ColCount -1 doform1.StringGrid3.Cells [Count2, Count] ='' then : = false;. Label5.Caption: = 'Помилка заповнення таблиці. Знайдено порожнє поле! '; p align="justify"> end;
0 then: = zna4TMP/ zna4TMP2; zna4 MinC) and (count2 <> MinR) then.StringGrid4.Cells [count, count2]: = floattostr ( strtofloat (form1.StringGrid4.Cells [count, count2])-strtofloat (form1.StringGrid4.Cells [count, MinR]) * strtofloat (form1.StringGrid4.Cells [MinC, count2]));. StringGrid4.Cells [0, MinR]: = form1.StringGrid4.Cells [MinC, 0]; count: = 1 to form1.StringGrid4.RowCount - 1 doform1.StringGrid4.Cells [MinC, 0] = form1.StringGrid4.Cells [0, count] then. StringGrid4.Cells [MinC, count]: = '1 '. StringGrid4.Cells [MinC, count]: = '0';. Label5.Caption: = 'Рішення знайдено!';: = true;; reshil or to form1.StringGrid4.ColCount -1 dostrtofloat (form1.StringGrid4.Cells [count, 1]) <0 then boo: = true; count: = 2 to form1.StringGrid4.RowCount -1 dostrtofloat (form1.StringGrid4.Cells [ 1, count]) <0 then boo: = true; boo then: = 2;: = strtofloat (form1.StringGrid4.Cells [1,2]); count: = 2 to form1.StringGrid4.RowCount -1 dostrtofloat ( form1.StringGrid4.Cells [1, count])