ify">? -1 ,6-linkage, therefore dextrane by them is not hydrolyze) put by this enzyme into first place due to efficiency of hydrolysis of starch with the purpose of further fermentation of appearing sugar. The deep hydrolysis of starch is needed in a spirit, starch and treacly, bakery industry.a hydrolysis is carried out in two stages: on the first stage conduct treatment with ? -amylase (stage of dilution of starch), after this gelatinized and diluted suspension at a temperature not higher 60 o З and рН 5.0-5.5 process with glucoamylase (stage of saccharification of starch). As a result of the united action of enzymes the degree of hydrolysis of starch reaches 98-99%. [6]
A mechanism of attack of substrate with glucoamylase can be of two types: either one-chained or multiple attack, and active center has ubcentered structure. Almost all glucoamylases are glycoproteins, containing from 5 to 35% carbohydrates which consist of olygo-, di-and monosaccharides. A carbohydrate component can be an integral fragment or broken on individual compounds which attach to the protein through a threonine and serine. [7] a rule, natural microorganisms form the complex of amylolytic enzymes, able to hydrolyze plant substrates on the basis of starch carbohydrates. This complex includes ? -amylases, and glucoamylases hydrolyzing molecules of starch to glucose and dextrins of different molecular mass; proteases, destroying the proteins of raw material to amino acid, being a valuable nitrous feed for yeasts; glucanases, which intensify the process of fermentative treatment of raw material due to the hydrolysis of unstarch polysaccharidess; pectinases, destroying a pectin, other enzymes of lytic action.nowadays polyenzymatic preparations have different enzymatic composition and differentiate on the level of activity of separate enzymes. On the whole the known polyenzyme preparations with amylolytic activity need improvement of their functional descriptions, that will promote efficiency of their industrial application. Particular interest is presented by enzymatic preparations with the overactivity of glucoamylase. [8]
.2 Characteristics of microorganisms producers of glucoamylase. Aspergillus awamori
producers of amylolytic enzymes most often use the molds of genera Aspergillus species oryzae, usamii, awamori, batatae; of genera Rhizopus species delemar, fonkinsis, neveus, tonnensis, japonicum, topnineusis, and also separate representatives of Neurospora crassa and Mucor. Yeasts and yeast-like microorganisms of genera Candida, Saccharomyces, Endomycopsis and Endomyces also able to synthesize the enzymes of amylolyti...