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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Origin and essence of global problems

Реферат Origin and essence of global problems

on times exceeds the power of the bomb dumped to Hiroshima are stored in arsenals of the different countries. And after all from this bomb over 200 thousand people were lost! 40% of a square of the city were burned to ashes, 92% were spoiled to incognizance. Fatal consequences of nuclear bombing are felt still by thousands people.large amount of explosives is the share of each person now only in the form of the nuclear weapon. If people had so much food, how many all types of weapon and explosives exist on a planet!. This weapon it is possible to destroy many tens times any life on Earth. And after all today already and «usual» means of warfare is quite capable to cause global damage and to mankind, and the nature. Besides it must be kept in mind that technologies of conducting wars evolves towards the increasing destruction of civilians.waits mankind if it is untied even if local war with application of the most modern means of its maintaining? Experts consider, use of the modern weapon will bring, at least to 100 - to multiple excess of number of victims among civilians in comparison with a death toll of military.of various eras condemned wars, passionately dreamed of an everlasting peace and developed various aspects of a problem of a universal peace. Many of them paid and pay attention generally to its ethical aspect. They believe that war of aggression is immorality generation that the peace can be achieved only as a result of moral re-education of people in the spirit of mutual understanding, tolerance to various religions, elimination of nationalist remnants, and education of people in the spirit of the principle «all people - brothers».

Environmental problem

general House - mother Earth is rather close. Length of its circle on the equator a little more than 40 thousand kilometers, a surface - 510 million km, from them less than a third - land. The sum of consumption of natural resources in kilocalories on each person per day made in prehistoric times - 2-4 thousand, now in the USA - 200-500 thousand. Meanwhile amplitude of demographic growth of mankind such is that at the time of the Roman Empire it made 150 million people, in ninety years - with 1840 on 1930 - the world «s population grew by billion and on as much for the last five years. To the middle of the XXI century population will reach a point of 13 billions people. In total 11% of a fertile surface of Earth were for the last half a century destroyed, and it is more, than the total area of ??India and China.very often statements reach that for hunger, in the future mankind the World Ocean and it is capable to rescue «inexhaustible natural resources». But the World Ocean already now suffers from civilization influence. In blue chasm oil products, synthetic fibers, vegetable fossils are annually thoughtlessly dumped.it is obvious that generators of such deplorable condition of the biosphere are the organizational and economic mechanisms of unlimited activism caused by appetites of an increment of the capital or thoughtless planning of «buildings of a century». the philosophical relation future is, eventually, vulnerable and developing present. Therefore, present intolerable rates of development are that it is possible to call peculiar «the abuse transferred to the future» which with a decupled force will be reflected in our descendants.same, who justifies nature destruction ...

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