at persistently affected the psychometric qualities of the scale would be removed at a later stage. With 50 items and a calibration sample size of 211 the data set was considered suitable for exploratory factor analysisitability of the dataset for exploratory factor analysis was further established through the Bartlett's Test of Sphericity (x2=6248.8, p <0.000, df=1035 ) and KMO (0.908). calibration sample was subject to principal components analysis with PROMAX rotation (oblique) as there were theoretical reasons for expecting the dimensions to correlate.decision rules were used to identify underlying factors. Factors needed eigen values ??greater than 1, single items factors were eliminated given the need to develop multi item measures whilst the number of factors extracted should account for 50% - 60% of the variance explained. Guided by these criteria a five factor, 20 item solution which accounted for 56.2% of the variance was selected (Table 3).
3 Exploratory factor analysis factor loadings, eigen values, variance extracted and Cronbach's alpha (calibration sample, n=211)
Factor loadingsCommu-nalitiesE & CFCVIBPCCHRIIT 97. Our employees will help clients in a responsive manner0, 850,68 IT 91. Our organization makes an effort to discover our clients « needs0, 820,67 IT 35. Our organization responds to our clients » needs0, 820,69 IT 2. Our top management is committed to providing quality service0, 810,74 IT 10. Our employees as essential part of organization0, 790,67 IT 4. Our employees focus on clients « needs, desires and attitudes0, 750,73 IT 98. CRM-Our organization fully understands the needs of our key clients by learning from them0, 690,75 IT 14. Our organization places an emphasis on hiring the right people0, 680,71 IT 53. The font we use is an important part of our visual identity0, 960,69 IT 47. Our logo is an important part of who we are0, 800,73 IT 55. The corporate visual identity is helpful in making our organization recognizable0, 790,77 IT 61. The associations making up our brand personality are extremely positive.0, 840,68 IT 62. Our clients have no difficulty describing our brand personality0, 790,56 IT 59. Our brand personality has favorable associations0, 790,68 IT 107. The people managing the communications program for our organization have a good understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of all major marketing communications tools0, 810,70 IT 118. Our organization »s advertising, PR and sales promotion all present the same clear consistent message to our stakeholder0, 760,71 IT 94. Our organization has established clear business goals related to client relationship management0, 720,62 IT 93. Our employee training programs are designed to develop skills required for acquiring and deepening client relationships0, 880,71 IT 15. Our organization provides skill based training to front-line employees0 , 840,76 IT 3. Our organization regularly monitors employees « performance0, 800,68 Eigen value14.444.922.021.961, 53% of Variance33.5710.694.394.23, 33Cronbach »s? 0.91 * 0.78 * 0.78 * 0.75 * 0,81 *
. 1. B2B service brand identity measurement model
five factors were labeled employee & client focus, corporate visual identity, brand personality, consistent communication and human resource initiatives. The decision to use an oblique rotation was corroborated by the final component correlation matrix which in...