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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » The necessity of further formation of the constitutional courts and ways of perfection of legal proceeding

Реферат The necessity of further formation of the constitutional courts and ways of perfection of legal proceeding

fication of the enforcement at the limit of the liberty leaves the opened question: what should be considered the enforcement? In this connection D. Rolz says: the freedom is the certain structure of institutes the certain system of public rules, determining rights and duties. In this context the personalities are free to do something, when they are free from the certain restrictions to do this or not to do this, and when their doing or not doing is protected from the interference on the part of other personalities. If, for instance, we shall consider the freedom of religion as it is determined by the law, the individuals should have this main freedom, when they free to pursue their own moral, philosophical or religious interests without legal restrictions, requiring from them to deal or not to deal with any certain form of religious or any other activity, and when other individuals have the legal duty not to interfere them" [43]., the essence of the problem of the freedom is the detailed analysis of the correlation of the main rights and duties of the individual. Any references to negative, internal or positive freedom say nothing about of descriptive or statutory aspects of the freedom. Description supposes explanation of the ensemble of barriers of the freedom. The Individual possesses (does not possess) the freedom depending on abilities to overcome them. The statutory aspect is connected with the question: what should be considered the barrier? It is impossible to answer it without using argument and estimation from composition of different theories of the society and morality. Political ideologies offer different concepts of the freedom. But the majority defines the freedom as absence of obstacles.

The literature

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