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Реферат The modern state and economic efficiency of agricultural production in terms of its specialization in the example of corn production

table 2.3:

2.3of basic capital provision of enterprise and his use of LTD. AgroKim

Indicator 2012 year2013 year2014 year2014 уear to% of 2012 yearAverage cost of capital assets, thous. UAN682,8532309,66583196 to timesper 1 hа of agricultural land1,062,344,474 to timesper 1 hа of average worker67,29159,95217,983 to timesCapital is a return, UAN1,022,61,51,5 to timesCapital is a capacity products, UAN0 , 980,380,6768,37Norm of income,% X7XX the analysis of the fixed productive assets in LTD. AgroKim and efficiency of their use (table. 2.3), see that the cost of basic capital grew in 96 to times, and also a capital is a return in comparison in the percent of actual year to basic year to grew in 1,5 to times. A capital is a capacity products of LTD. AgroKim grew on 68,37%. The norm of income presents: in +2013 year - 7%, and in basic and actual year we can not define as we look after un profitableness of enterprise.a world tendency all enterprises have certain specialization, id est repressing development of production of one or a few types of products for that in this place is relatively the best naturally economic terms.investigate the structure of money receivables from realization of products in LTD. AgroKim raquo ;:

2.4structure of money receivables is from realization of products in LTD. AgroKim

Indicators Basic yearActual yearActual уear to% of basicthos. UAN% thos. UAN% Grain2563,199,85125273,688,3349 to timesWheat - - 5014,73,54XRye491,919,16 - XBuckwheat30,01,17 - XA corn is on grain1936,675,45120258,984,7962 to timesOat99,03 , 86 - XOther grain5,60,22 - XSunflower- - 24,00,02XSoy- - 3959,02,79XOther products of plant3,80,1511,80,01 45 to timesTotal on a plant-grower2566,9100,0129268 , 491,1450 to timesTotal2566,9100,00141829,9100,0055 to times the structure of money receivables from realization of commodity products in LTD. AgroKim in basic year a considerable place occupies growing of corn on grain 75,45%. Analysing actual year, we see that the bulk of money receivables we get from realization of corn on grain also 84,79% .is thus possible to say, that LTD. AgroKim is specialized on grown corn on grain.define the results of economic activity of LTD. AgroKim in a next table:

2.5of economic activity of LTD. AgroKim

Indicator2012year2013 year2014 year2014 уear to% of 2012 yearCost of gross products, thous.UAN693,9584198,6099926,80143 to timesper 1 hа of agricultural land1,086,096,796 to timesper 1 hа of average worker69,40416,82330 , 884,8 to timesper 1 UAN of production cost0,321,010,852,7 to timesGross products, thous.UAN - 1260,5-546045762,6Хper 1 hа of agricultural land - 1,96-0,393,11Хper 1 hа of average worker - 126 , 05-27,03151,53ХProfitability,% - 32,93-9,6547,64Х the results of economic activity of LTD. AgroKim defined the cost of gross products and her rates of development. In 2014 year to +2012 year to relatively grew in 143 to times. Gross revenue: it is observed only in actual year is a 45762,6 thousand UAN, and in +2012 year and +2013 year he is absent.

2.2 A dynamics of development of production of corn is on grain in an economy

general activity of enterprise, it is impossible to skip the indexes of economic efficiency of production of agricultural enterprise.increase of economic efficiency of agrarian enterprises envisages the increase of production and upgrading of agricultural produce at simultaneous reduction of expenses to labor and money on unit of products. The decision of this problem is indissolubly related to further all-round intensification of agricultural production, in the process of that the increase of the productivity of agricultural cultures and productivity of cattle and bird is provided. In modern terms an agricultural production must develop mainly on the basis of intensification that is basic direction of increase of him economic efficiency.ways of increase of efficiency of agricultural production envisage the complex of such basic measures: improvement of the use of earth and increase of her fertility; introduction of complex mechanization and computer-aided manufacturing; increase of level of provision of economies productive funds and improvement of their use; introduction of intensive and resource of keeping technologies and industrial methods of production; upgrading and maintenance of mine-out products; deepening of specialization and strengthening of concentration of production is on the basis of between economic co-operation and agroindustrial integration; deployment of progressive forms of organization of production and remuneration of labor.next tables will analyses the dynamics of production of corn on grain and economic efficiency of production of corn on grain.

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