cified, besides characters, plot, settlement, and dialogue, the classic should present truth; it needed to form emotion and imagination with beauty in the language form; and it should have a power of the classic to award mind constant enrichment. Any examination of a modern fairy tale very often shows refusal to meet these requirements. The modern story isn't so bad, however, when we mention such stories as Elis Lewis Kerola in a Wonderland, Oscar Uajlda's Happy prince, Gradual Fairy Elis Brown, prince Frensis Brown Ferifut, the Small Lame prince of Ms. Mulok, Peter Pan Barri, Mopsa Dzhin Indzhelou, the Fairy and Ouphe in Wood, Area History of Klausa, Old Pipes of Stockton and the Dryad, Water Babies of Kingsli, King Raskin of the Gold River, Pinokkio Kollodi, the Azure bird of Meterlinka , Kipling so Stories and stories the Book of jungle, Remarkable Adventures Selmoj Ledzherlof of Zeroes, Uncle Remus Tales about Harris, etc. But this classics - behind few exception, riches of the basic and elementary literature. The modern fairy tale approaching for the child of a kindergarten, is at a great disadvantage for the most probable, it is hidden in some magazine waiting for an estimation to draw some attention to it. And these difficult modern days it is difficult to provide the story which simplicity approaches the small child. br/>
2. Peculiarities in English and in Kazakh fairy tales
We have carried out the all-round analysis of such questions as, addition of an original plot of a fairy tale with additional motive, a situation and episodes, and also its development, has put a scientific basis of system of intragenre classification. For example, a powerful fairy tale, without breaking the habitual scheme, makes the additions, changes of separate elements. That has allowed to carry a powerful fairy tale to a separate kind of fairy tales of the Kazakh scientists the basic parts of a plot of a fairy tale: childless parents, a wonderful birth of the character not only on the basis of the turkish-Mongolian material, but also on a material of fairy tales of the people with the different periods of historical development. They in details study principles of research Russian and European folklorists, improving them, apply to features of the text of the Kazakh national fairy tale .. Kaskabasov interprets ideas and V. Ja. Proppa and A.N. Veselovskogo's judgments about motive of a wonderful birth concerning the Kazakh fairy tales. In S. Kaskabasov's research through consideration of several types of motive about a wonder-working birth of the character, from the scientific point of view for the first time has defined history of development of motive of idealization of the fantastic character from primitive to an artistic image. The main objective of a course of life of the fantastic character - to find a family, however this course of life of the hero a...