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Реферат Apple's analysis

Institute of Educational Leadershipof Jyv Г¤ skyl Г¤

s analysis

Course code: EDLS 820's Name: Jukka Alava


In the last hundred years Information technology has developed from its very basic shape to its unlimited powerful applications which touch every single aspect of our today s life.in the last 40 Years electronic communication devices, computers, and digital news and media developed from being used only by big companies or scientific labs to be used by everyday man.and digital devices has strongly evolved from huge chunky room sized machines to pocket size mobile devices, Information transfer has rapidly increased both vertically and horizontally (Size of data, amount of data), new innovations appeared and the missing link between the benefit of electronic devices and the average human need has decreased.

The Apple revolution

Today s business and IT news, blog entries and articles recognize Apple s advantage over Microsoft. In the short report Rosoff (April, 2011 Apple s profit is now higher than Microsoft ) shows the financial difference between these two companies, which is $ 0.76 billion, $ 5.99 billion of apple versus Microsoft s $ 5.23 billion. Both companies are used to publish their quarter profits, and it is first time during this competition when Apple takes the first place. According to these data, Apple s gadgets are the most demanding on the market. From the strategic planning point of view it means that company s vision is aware of people s needs and ready to respond any demand. it was not always like this. The free encyclopedia Wikipedia gives very good and detailed information on the topic. Both companies were founded in the 1970, and since those days it is the first time when Apple wins.

Apple Business maturity cycle

Apple has gone through several ups and downs since its early days until present. The struggles and the rises Apple has gone through can typically fit the vicious learning circles illustrated below (Alava, 1999). p align="justify"> 1. Vicious circle and the organizational learning

The following point s demonstrates the vicious learning circles applied on Apple Inc.

1. Continuous learning balance

Apple started as a home based computer factory in 1976 where Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne assimpled what is called the Apple 1 computer board. They could produce up to 200 computer and sell them to a local computer store. That encouraged jobs to move on and introduce Apple 2 computer in 1977which was much advanced and more close to a full computer with a display on TV. Apple 2 computer has been well established and widely sold in the market however that did not stop Jobs from moving on and producing Apple 3 computer. With Apple 3 computer in 1980 Jobs decided to take the IBM personal computers at that time into the business environment by providing a bundled PC with a Screen and desk drive. br/>

2. Adapting to change and reaction is not sufficient

Apple 3 computer had a better design and improved features which was more sufficient for the market, Jobs had made a decision to not assemble a cooling fan into the computer case box thinking that the chips and the computer board would circulate the heat itself. This assumption was wrong and caused the company thousands of computers to be returned from not satisfied customers due to heating problems. That failure forced Apple to dedicate a separate group to design a new computer which could change the world. Also to try to make up the great loss they had by the Apple 3 computers. So they came out with LISA computer, 1978-1982. LISA computer was the first computer to introduce the mouse, the Icon and the desktop, which at that time was a revolutionary innovation from apple to the computer world. But LISA was very expensive to be buying by wide range of customers. And because of its high price it has failed to penetrate the market.that Apple came up with a new computer (an upgrade of LISA) in 1984 and bundled it under the name Macintos...

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