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Реферат Apple's analysis

h. Macintosh was introduced to the world with a better design, fancy writing and painting software. That was introduced to the world through a huge multimillion marketing campaign however it has not penetrated the market as expected since it was not empowering the command line users which was the main strength point of Apple before that.though the marketing difficulties Apple suffered, the Macintosh name was still in power especially after the partnership with Adobe Systems which supported apple to provide software for desktop publishing and computer animation. That made apple position stronger as a Technology provider in the media, advertisement and publishing business.adapted to changes when they came out with LISA, They found out that the market is changing and new companies like Xerox, IBM and Adobe are pioneering the market with there new innovations and ideas. The way LISA was designed was based on deep analysis for the market needs. However that creation of such a new idea was not sufficient due to the pricing problems apple had. br/>

3. Great unbalance Insecurity

In 1985, due to an internal power struggle Jobs resigned from Apple however he was still a main shareholder in the company. First, John Sculley was introduced as the new CEO, then Gil Amelio. At that time the company was about at great unbalanced insecurity stage. During that era the board did not introduce completely new strategy, but some insignificant or non-profitable changes. Even though the introduction of new products such as Quadra <# "justify"> 7. Experimenting new things and renewal synthesis

From 1998 until present Apple went into the circle of experimenting new ideas, new innovations that raised Apple to the high rank where they exist now.new innovations Apple introduced were both vertical and horizontal dimensions. Vertical innovations such as All-In-One Mac which came in a fancy user friendly and cheerful plastic case which combined the computer and the screen in one cheerful case. The same design team of All-In-One Mac was also responsible of designing IPhone, IPad and IPod which came later on the following years.OS X, the operating system based on NeXT's OPENSTEP was also released on March 24, 2001 after several years of development. Mac OS X became simply the most stable and reliable operating system produced by Apple and it gained great credit to the company from its customers.birth of Apple IPod as the first portable music player was an idea of ​​Jobs that reshuffled the Market cards into new worlds of users needs.Apple upgraded its IPod idea into a phone which became the number one Phone in the last 3 years the Apple IPhone.was a significant upgrade which could expose new user needs and maybe create those needs which haven t existed before.such like IPod, IPhone widgets and IPad were purely new user experiences discovered or created by apple. Those ideas succeeded to find their way into every single market nowadays.has expanded horizontally by opening various retail point of sales around the globe to push the Apple sales into a higher stage of market penetration. Also the online Apple store which is selling hundred of thousands of application every day was cutting age idea into the marketing strategies.


The comparative chart below (Yarrow J., Angelova K, 2010) shows the income of Apple versus Microsoft. As we can see from there, from 1976 till 2005 Apple was predictable, was working in the same way, doing just small inefficient changes. But Microsoft was much smarter, especially since 1998, they grew; it means that all the time they introduced something new and accessible for people, not very expensive. Since 1998 Microsoft has been doing changes, not very big, but on regular basis, but look at Apple. Since Sept 2005, they have been surprising people with big changes, bigger than Microsoft; their blue line makes big jumps.chart also proves that since the middle of the 1990s till nowadays, business situation has changes a lot. It is possible to explain due to the political and economic changes of that time. And as we can see, Microsoft Company understood this change much earlier and as a result is more adaptive to unpredictable future than was Apple till the beginning of the 20 th century. Looking at Apple s diagram we can see big ups and downs while experiencing new things. Although the history of the company itself already passed through one vicious learning circle and now is back to the balance.

2, Apple Vs. Microsoft revenue/income


1.Rosoff, M....

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