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Реферат Kursovaya rabota po ekom


1. The theoretical basis of the study of economic systems of the countries of the world

.1 Basic approaches to the classification of countries

.2 The essence of economic system and its types

2. Types of economic systems in the countries of the world

.1 Description of the administrative command system and its characteristics

.2 Estimation of the market system and its implementation by the countries of the world

3. Post-industrial society as a modern economic system

Conclusionsof literature

economic market administrative command


The economic system is totality associate and certain by character of well-organized elements of economy, formative economic structure of society. Out of system character of economy economic relations and institutes would not be reproduced (constantly to recommence), would not could to exist economic conformities to law, would not be folded theoretical comprehension of the economic phenomena and processes, would not could to be the co-ordinated and effective economic politics. The use of concept of the system has long history going away to ancient epoch.translation from Greek the system means some unit being from the parts constrained inter se and formative integrity. For description of any system usually distinguish her elements, levels organizations, structure.the last decades widely an idea develops about an economy, as about the system, characterized by the presence of certain elements and connections between them. Out of system character of economy economic relations and institutes would not be reproduced (constantly to recommence), realized economic conformities to law, there would not be a theoretical comprehension of the economic phenomena and processes, and also there would not be the co-ordinated and effective economic politics.economic system is totality of all economic processes accomplished in society on the basis of the relations of property and economic mechanism folded in him. Understanding essence of the system, it is possible to understand many conformities to law of economic life.

Actuality of work consists in that the basic elements of the economic system are socio-economic relations being based on the patterns of ownership folded in every economic system on economic resources and results of economic activity; organizational forms of economic activity; economic mechanism.home economic science it is possible the main problem of modern period of forming of the scientific economic systems to count the problem of combination of universal, mine-out a world economic idea approaches, with the necessity of reflection of difficult picture of modern economic reality in Russia and traditions of home scientific school.economic science there were two going near the study of modern society: structure and civilization. Essence of structure approach consists of that as deep reason of development of human society the change of his productive basis and corresponding to her pattern of ownership is examined on economic resources, that determine all complex of economic, political, legal and other forms of human commonunication on the different stages of development of society.should be noted that the row of defects is inherent structure approach. It, in particular, behaves to the statement of passing in the development of entire countries and people through five structures: primitively-communal, slave-holding, feudal, capitalist and communist, and also to the excessive accent on antagonistic character of relations.positions of structure approach and modern world are here used examined as consisting of the economic different typing systems.

The aim of this work are classification and analysis of the economic systems and models, and also history of classification of international countries.

Аrticle of work are all economic systems in the different states on the whole.

Оbject of work development, classification of the economic systems, is in the countries of the world. Historical classification must include the systems of the past and future besides the modern systems.separating the economic systems from each other it is been is industrial-and scientific and technical to revolution. Into each of these systems more detailed typology is possible, that allows to set ways for a synthesis structure and civilization approaches.

The basic elements of the economic system are socio-economic relations being based on folded in every economic system patterns of ownership on economic resources and results economic to activity; organizational forms of economic activity; economic mechanism.

Classification of countries is related to d...

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