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Реферат Kursovaya rabota po ekom

ividing of world economy into the spheres of economic activity and determination of basic economic intercommunications between them allow not only to analyse progress of separate countries trends but also compare them inter se. However in the world on the whole approximately 200 countries that is very different on the level of economic development.knowledge of classifications is emergency it is important for a mutual study and exchange experience of economic development. The definition of country accepted in a world economy differs from the determination accepted in an international law or ordinary. Within the framework of world economy a country not only territorial units, being the state but also some territorial units that are not the states, are considered, however pursuing an independent and independent economic policy and conduct the separate statistical account of the economic development. It touches some island dependent territories of Great Britain, Netherlands and France, that, being not the independent states examined, nevertheless, by an international economy as separate countries.

1. The theoretical basis of the study of economic systems of the countries of the world

1.1 Basic approaches to the classification of countries

first considering the world economy looks like a conglomerate of about 230 countries and territories. They vary greatly in terms of territory, population, economic strength levels and technological development etc. on one side - such highly developed countries like the United States, Japan, Germany; on the opposite-underdeveloped poor countries like Afghanistan, Chad, Somalia and Bangladesh. There was no single and exhaustive classification of countries around the world. Most often they are classified according to the level of GDP or GNP per capita. But make it wrong. The distribution of income in society can occur in different ways. The same can be said about the food, access to education, health, working conditions, job security and so on, GDP or GNP per capita is not a measurement of technological development of the country, the complexity of the structure of its economy.is demonstrated, for example, the presence of the first threesome two monoculture (oil-producing) countries - Saudi Arabia, Kuwait.service is composed of three components:

) life expectancy;

) level of education;

) real value average income of residents. educational attainment of the population is measured by a combination of two values: a) literacy rate among adults over 15 years (in%) and b) average length (number of years). Literacy rate in the calculation of the General level of education is a factor of 2/3, and the duration of the training - 1/3. If there is no data on the average length of education, it is the combined share in the population of students in primary, secondary and higher education. Revised earnings are calculated by a complex program on the basis of per capita GNP, adjusted for PPP and the indicators reflecting the specific allocation of resources in society, in particular the ratio 20% revenue share for the poorest and the richest 20% and the ratio of national indicators with the world threshold income for normal living. As a result of the real GDP per capita as determined in this way and is used in the calculation of the HDI further, much less than the official original figure. Based on ranks countries on the HDI UN (human development index, united nations) experts divide the world into three groups:

) countries with high human development;

) countries with medium levels of human development;

) countries with low human development.top ten countries in the world largest HDI are: Canada, France, Norway, United States, Iceland, Finland, Netherlands, Japan, New Zealand and Sweden. Russia, certified as a country with an average level of development, was 72-th place (between Oman and Venezuela) .the world economy of the country can be divided into three large groups:

. industrialized countries;

. countries with economies in transition;

. developing countries.States, Japan, Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Canada, China, India, Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, Republic of Korea, Thailand industrialized countries (industrial countries), or the developed Western countries - 24 industrialized countries in North America, Europe and the Pacific rim with higher income. Leading role in the Group of industrial countries are States of the so-called group of seven (G - 7, or group) -United States, Canada, Japan, Germany, France, Italy, United Kingdom. Five of these States form the core of NATO, four of the six are the backbone of the EU. They formed...

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