Теми рефератів
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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Traffic indicators investigation

Реферат Traffic indicators investigation

ft actually taken to a control.

- amount of aircraft; - average time of flight of aircraft in air traffic area;

Density of air traffic - amount of aircraft, that are in 1 unit of volume of air traffic control zone.

; ;

Load of zone - amount of aircraft that are under control in the limits of given zone simultaneously.

Coefficient of load of zone:

- throughput.

Throughput of air traffic zone - amount of aircraft that can be serviced by air traffic control units of this zone in 1 unit of time with adherence of normative indications of safety of flights.

Throughput of air traffic controller - amount of aircraft that can be under control of air traffic controller in 1 unit of time taking into account direct procedures of control simultaneously.

Work load of air traffic controller - time needed to perform necessary technological procedures of air traffic control.

Factors that influence on commitment:

intensity of flights;

density of flights;

structure of zone (size, amount of routes, amount of points of intersection of routes)

characteristics of aircraft flows (directions of flows, relations of types of aircraft in flows) equipment of work place

air traffic management (features of work technology, amount of air traffic controllers in 1 zone, character of restrictions in airspace)

level of air traffic controller

work place management

regim of work and rest

character of work place environment

psychological and psycho-physical characteristics of air traffic controller

Coefficient of work load of air traffic controller is expressed by relation of time spent by air traffic controller to perform technological procedures and total resource of time.

- is obtained only when we can calculate the time of operations. Coefficient of work load of air traffic controller has to be placed in the limits ftom 0.2 to 0.85, normative coefficient is 0.55. Relation between commitment coefficient and main characteristics of flow of aircraft is expressed by following equation:

- time spent on voice communication during aircraft aperations (ex .: climbing, descending)

- time spent on giving of instructions to change FL, direction of flight, conflict situation, conditions of flight.

- time spent on information exchange between neighbour controllers, air traffic coordination, work with strips and equipment of air traffic control system.

2. Calculation of TMA sizes

Manufactured type and modificationSpeedROC MCMCSAS Boeing 767 - 300 89540526018/8 Airbus 320 89540526017/10 Fokker 100 8403702607/4 IL - 76 8103702757/3 Yak 40 5503302305/2

TMA 1 FL80 (2450m) : R TMA? 4 + 6.5 + 36 + 19? 66 km ; S late=248.6 * (12 + 14)=6.5 km; S des=88.5 * (+2450 - 400)/5=36 km; V des=S CTR/2=19 km; д max=4 km; TMA 2 FL180 (5500m) : R TMA? 4 + 6.5 + 90 + 21? 122 km; S late=248.6 * (12 + 14)=6.5 km; S des=88.5 * (+5500 - 400)/5=90 km; V des=S CTR/2=21 km; д max=4 km;

. Construction of zone and flight plan

№Route of flightEntrance timeEntrance FLACFT typeRegistration number TRANSIT 1МЮ-СК08:00390B763625012ОВ-НМ-СУ08:03250YK40625023ЕМ-БЕ-СУ08:13350IL76625034ВК-БЕ-СК08:25360IL76625045ЕМ-ЛП-СК08:25320F100625056МЮ-ЕМ08:30430B763625067СК-БЕ-ВК08:32320F100625078ТВ-РТ-СУ08:32350IL76625089ЕМ-МЮ08:33260YK406250910СУ-БЕ-СК08:34390A3206251011СУ-РТ-ТВ08:36400A3206251112СК-МЮ08:40240YK406251213ЕМ-БЕ-СУ08:43380A3206251314СК-БЕ-ВК08:45330F1006251415СК-ЕМ-ОВ08:48390B7636251516ОВ-ВК08:50240F1006251617МЮ-ЕМ08:52370IL766251718МЮ-РТ-ЛП-ЕМ08:55330F1006251819СУ-НМ-ОВ08:55390A3206251920ЕМ-БЕ-СУ08:59400B76362520 TMA1 arrival 21ВК-НМ-ДО08:01220/80/0A3203280122МЮ-БЕ-ДО08:11390/70/0B7633280223ОВ-НМ-ДО08:26160/30/0F1003280324СУ-НМ-ДО08:38100/60/0YK403280425ВК-НМ-ДО08:57300/70/0IL7632805 TMA1 departure 26ДО-БЕ-МЮ08:040/80/320B7635130127ДО-НМ-ВК08:060/40/90F1005130228ДО-НМ-ОВ08:280/80/270IL765130329ДО-БЕ-ЕМ08:290/70/210YK405130430ДО-БЕ-МЮ08:550/80/360...

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