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Реферат Abbreviation as one of the two types of shortening in modern english


abbreviation english slang phonetic


I. The general notions of abbreviation in english

1.1 The history of abbreviations

1.2 Abbreviations is the major way of shortening

II. The appearance of new abbreviation




theme of my work sounds as following: Abbreviation as the main type of shorteting in Modern English raquo ;. This work can be characterized by the following. The actuality of this work caused by several important points. The abbreviation is one of the main trends in development of Modern English, especially in its colloquial layer, which, in its turn at high degree is supported by development of modern informational technologies and simplification of alive speech. So the significance of my work can be proved by the following reasons :) Abbreviation is one of the most developing branches among another types of shortening lexicology nowadays.) Abbreviation reflects the general trend of simplification of a language. c) Abbreviation is closely connected with the development of modern informational technologies.based upon the actuality of the theme it is formulated the general goals of course paper.

to study, analyze, and sum up the general notions of abbreviation in English;

to learn the history of abbreviations;

to study abbreviations as the major way of shortening;

to demonstrate the significance of the problem for those who want to brush up their English.we say about the new information used within my work I may note that the work studies the problem from the modern positions and analyzes the modern trends appeared in this subject for the last ten years. In particular, the shorten language of computer chats was taken into consideration.practical significance of the work can be concluded in the following items :) The work could serve as a good source of learning English by young teachers at schools and colleges.) The lexicologists could find a lot of interesting information for themselves. c) those who would like to communicate with the English-speaking people through the Internet will find a shortened language of chats in my work.we say about the methods of scientific approaches used in our work we can mention that the method of typological analysis was used.general structure of the course paper looks as follows: the work is composed onto three major parts: introduction, main part and conclusion. The introductory part tells about the general content of the work. The second part bears the two points in itself. The first point tells about the history of abbreviations. The second item analyses abbreviations as the major way of shortening. The third part tells about new abbreviations. The conclusion of the qualification work sums up the ideas discussed in the main part and shows the ways of implying of the course paper.

I. The general notions of abbreviation in english

abbreviation (from Latin brevis, meaning short) is a shortened form of a word or phrase. Usually, but not always, it consists of a letter or group of letters taken from the word or phrase. For example, the word abbreviation can itself be represented by the abbreviation abbr., Abbrv. or abbrev. In strict analysis, abbreviations should not be confused with contractions or acronyms (including initialisms), with which they share some semantic and phonetic functions, though all three are connoted by the term abbreviation in loose parlance.An abbreviation is a shortening by any method; a contraction is a reduction of size by the drawing together of the parts. A contraction of a word is made by omitting certain letters or syllables and bringing together the first and last letters or elements; an abbreviation may be made either by omitting certain portions from the interior or by cutting off a part; a contraction is an abbreviation, but an abbreviation is not necessarily a contraction. However, normally acronyms are regarded as a subgroup of abbreviations (eg by the Council of Science Editors). Abbreviations can also be used to give a different context to the world itself, such as (PIN Number, wherein if the abbreviation were removed the context would be invalid).

1.1 The history of abbreviations

has been used as long as phonetic script existed, in some senses actually being more common in early literacy, where spelling out a whole word was often avoided, initial letters commonly being used to represent words in specific application. By classical Greece and Rome, the reduction of words to single letters was still normal, but can default. An increase in literacy has, ...

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