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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Translation of english proverbs and sayings about love, wearing and work from English into Russian

Реферат Translation of english proverbs and sayings about love, wearing and work from English into Russian



1. Translation of english proverbs and sayings about love, wearing and work from english into russian

Definition of proverbs and sayings

Difference between proverbs and sayings


Methods of translating proverbs and sayings

2. Translation of sayings and proverbs about work, love and wearing from English into Russian






It would appear that nothing could be easier than writing down the definition of a proverb. Where did a proverb come from? Where can it be used? Proverbs are widely used in the society on the regular basis. Some scholars and popular writers have claimed repeatedly that proverbial language has passed from usage; however it remains an easily proven fact that proverbs are not "passer and definitely not dead. This form of language helps to express our thoughts more exactly and vividly. Proverbs contain wisdom, humor, and usually fit many purports.Oxford Dictionary of English Proverbs defines a proverb as a sentence that has been developed orally and is still used by the people of a region. It has usually come about from experience, and it is a statement that teaches learning within an experience. The World Book Encyclopedia gives a different explanation of the word: Proverb is a brief saying that presents a truth of some bit of useful wisdom. It is usually based on common sense or practical experience. The effect of a proverb is to make the wisdom it tells seem to be self-evident. The same proverb often occurs among several different peoples, True proverbs and sayings that have been passed from generation to generation, primarily by word of mouth. They may also have been put into written form.and sayings help us to learn English, because they are good example of English culture and language. In old times people were learning Latin by using proverbs. Proverbs and sayings - are useful material to show, how could one thought be understood in several different ways. They make speech alive and interesting. English proverbs and sayings have exclusive meaning, every proverb could be used in different situations, they could be understood mostly by English speaking part of the world, but not by any other people, because if foreigner translate them into his native language he will get something strange. A very little part of English proverbs and sayings can be translated and understood by words. In most cases English proverbs have the same meaning as proverbs in other languages, for example in Russian. So the main aim of an interpreter in translating English proverbs into Russian is to find the right method to translate them; why m...

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