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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Perfect Tenses

Реферат Perfect Tenses


The theme of our graduation project sounds as following: «Perfect Tenses». Before beginning of investigation in our theme, we would like to say some words dealt with the theme of our graduation project.most languages ??the perfect is constructed by the use of an auxiliary verb (either to be or to have) in the present and the past participle. Other names are sometimes given to the perfect tense. In English the perfect tense is often misleadingly referred to as the present perfect, an allusion to the auxiliary verb component in the present tense. The term composed past is also used in languages ??where this past tense is composed of an auxiliary and a participle [11, p.56] .some languages, the perfect tense is effectively the same as the preterit tense, or the aorist tense, but these two terms are not actually synonymous with the perfect tense [11, p. 57] .subject of our project is the Perfect Tenses themselves.object is the usage of the Perfect Tenses in different original texts, such as novels, essays and so on.aim of our graduation project is to research the usage of the Perfect Tenses in the Modern English and it s formation.on such ground, we would like to point out tasks and aims of our work:

. To describe the formation and application of the Perfect Tenses.

. To describe the usage of the Perfect Tenses.

. To classify the Perfect Tenses.

. To investigate the functioning of the Perfect Tenses in the works of English and American writers.our opinion the practical significance of our work is hard to be overvalued. This work reflects modern trends in grammar and we hope it would serve as a good manual for those who want to master modern English language and it s grammar. Also this work can be used by teachers of English language for teaching the Perfect Tenses. It can be useful for everyone who wants to enlarge their knowledge in English.work is based on researches of soviet linguists 60 th - 80 th and also on later works of 90 th years. Main sourses of our graduation project are books by Irtenyeva NF, Barsova OM, Blokh MY, Shapkin AP Beside we used some information from the Internet, mostly diagrams.the conclusion to our work we tried to draw some results from the scientific investigations made within the present graduation project.


. 1 The usage of the Perfect Forms

have accepted the definition of the basic meaning of the perfect forms as that of precedence raquo ;. However, this definition can only be the starting point for a study of the various uses of the perfect forms. Indeed, for more than one case this definition of its meaning will seem wholly inadequate, because its actual meaning in a given context will be influenced by various factors. Though a very great amount of investigation has been carried on in this field and many phenomena have by now been elucidated, it is only fair to say that a complete solution of all the problems involved in the uses and shades of meaning of the perfect forms in Modern English is not yet in sight [25, p.78] .us first ask the question: what kinds of linguistic factors can be expected to have an influence on the use and shades of meaning of the perfect forms? We will try to answer this question in a general way, before proceeding to investigate the possible concrete cases.factors, then, would seem to be the following: 1) the lexical meaning of the verb; 2) the tense category of the form, i.e. whether it is the present perfect, past perfect, or future perfect (we can not be certain in advance that the tense relation is irrelevant here); 3) the syntactical context, i. e. whether the perfect form is used in a simple sentence, or the main clause, or again in a subordinate clause of a complex sentence. To these should be added an extralinguistic factor: 4) the situation in which the perfect form is used [21, p. 89] .us now consider each of these factors separately and then come to the question of their possible interaction.

. The meaning of the verb used can affect the meaning of the perfect form in so far as the verb may denote either an action which is apt to produce an essential change in the state of the object (eg He has broken the cup) or a process which can last indefinitely without bringing about any change (eg He has lived in this city since 1945), etc. With the verb break, for instance, the shade of meaning would then be the result of the action (the cup is no longer a cup but a collection of fragments), whereas with the verb live no result in this exact sense can be found; we might infer a resultative meaning only in a somewhat roundabout way, by saying that he has now so many years of life in this city behind him....

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