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Реферат The future tense


In this assignment I tried best to emphasize deeply on future tense. Usually it is thought to be the simplest and easiest of all tenses in English by maximum number of people specially students in Non-English countries. But, a lot of us do not know the complexity of the Future Tense. The fact is that this might be as complex as other tenses, ie The present and The future tenses. We often do not feel the complexity of this tense while using, and even the listener, sometimes the native speaker of English language would not be able to find out the errors, or may be he or she would be able to find out the errors but would rather neglect or would not have time to discuss because these mistakes at the first place are too small to be picked out for discussion. But here I will try my best to express thoroughly the usage of all Future tenses and the usage of shall and Will. br/>

1. Expressions of future tense

main concept of the future tense however remains more complicated than it is itself. It varies from time and situations. A native speaker may use typical expressions about what he or she is going to do in future but it does not carries the typical meanings but sometimes more complicated intention and it also varies from speaker s conviction. This happens because of two main reasons when we do not understand the native speaker:

The absolute value of the future tenserelative value of the future tense

The first thing we should keep in mind is that around 99% non English speaking people (here I mean to say only some of us do know) use the absolute value of the future tense. Absolute value of the future tense means a traditional way in which we have learned and read about future tense in schools and colleges. So there are some typical standards which we know and use them traditionally when we speak in English.comes the relative value of the future tense. This is more complex part which is defined in my this assignment thoroughly. There are a lot of chances that complexity may vary from situation to situation and sometimes even from person to person., A given language may exhibit more than one strategy for expressing futurity. In addition, the verb forms used for the future tense can also be used to express other types of meaning. For example, В«willВ», in English, may express direct volition as well as mark the future form of a verb. The auxiliary werden В«becomeВ» is used for both the future tense and the passive voice in German.

2. The Future Tense

. What is a tense? is a Tense ? [The word tense comes from Latin tempus , time.] We have three kinds of time,

В· Present

В· Past

В· Future

What ever we say and whenever we say, it is related to a particular time. It can not happen that you say a sentence and it is not related to any tense. So tenses are very important in any language. Here you must note that every language does not have grammar, but still they are spoken. But a lot of languages ​​are those which do have grammar and rules and regulations. Tenses does not mean to learn only structures and then you are on your way to using them. But here we shall only emphasize on the Future Tenses.

2. The future tense В«Going toВ» commonly used future sentences in our daily life are made up of В«Going ToВ» although we just don < span align = "justify"> t feel that we are using future tense, because we want to or intend to express things in Present Tense but В«Going toВ» slightly refers to Future Tense.future tenses are itself very simple tenses of their kind. But still we cannot say while working in depth with future tenses specially when using future tenses in the past. There is no one 'future tense' in English. There are 4 future forms. The one which is used most often in spoken English is 'going to', not 'will'. Use 'going to' when we want to talk about a plan for the future: for example, 'm going to see him later today.' re going to launch it next month. 're going to have lunch first.please Notice that this plan does not have to be for the near future.I retire I'm going to go back to Barbados to live.ten years time, I'...

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