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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » The modern state and economic efficiency of agricultural production in terms of its specialization in the example of corn production

Реферат The modern state and economic efficiency of agricultural production in terms of its specialization in the example of corn production

members of society.

Part I. Scientific bases of specialization of agricultural production

. 1 Essence and objective terms of development of specialization of agricultural enterprises

of agricultural production and agrarian market are the processes that a rose up yet in antiquity as a result of division of labor bound and interdependent in a public production. A market stimulates demand and supply not in general, but in relation to concrete products and services. Specialization also determines a production and realization of product sufferer separate kinds. Thus, basic levers and methods of adjusting of both specialization and market relations, gather. Role and value of specialization in the increase of efficiency of production in the conditions of a agrarian trans for matins considerably grows as at the level of zone, region, administrative district, on enterprise that requires further perfection of development of this process in accordance with the action of economic laws and on the basis of the maximal use of naturally biological terms and resource potential.of the multi channel system of production distribution, passing to the market prices that is formed by correlation of demand and supplies, their instability and systematic during a year vibrations result in the artificial overstating or under stating of part of separate wares in the structure of commodity products that does impossible ability of the last to serve as the index of determination of level of specialization on the costs of realization. In the conditions of passing to the market relations for this purpose it is suggested to use the structure of commodity products in comparable prices.agrarian sector of economy of Ukraine is presently characterized to rolling up of specialization and concentration of production, as are salt potential possibilities of deepening of these processes for the acceleration of rates of development of agriculture and increase of his efficiency actually are not used. However exactly they together with technological, organizationally economic, social, ecological and other factors must provide the high competitiveness of products and due place her on the markets of food.the process of reformation of agrarian sphere, priority direction sere not certain in relation to maintenance all turned out in the past and adaptation of him to the terms of market economy that resulted in considerable losses and destruction created earlier economic potential. At the sometime, wherein during realization of this work productive and social in restructures, technologies of production and skilled potential, we restored, the market methods of m? Nage are inculcated, the accrued forming develop successfully, provided them economy growing.restructuring of collective a agricultural enterprises in the legal organization structures of different patterns of ownership and manage with a next association them in associations, consortia and business concerns on the basis of cooperation of the landed and property shares there are directions of specialization in them kept, and during the selection of the ground up agrarian forming in independent subjects of manage with division between them earth and property there is a process of despecializations of production.the conditions of economy both large-scale and small-scale production can successfully function in an agrarian sphere. Presently the last prevails in a country, as a more than half of gross products of agriculture is produced in the personal peasant and farmer economies. However, not diminishing them to the role, food safety of the state however, the specialized enterprises of all patterns of ownership and m? Nage will decide with the rational pattern of production and high level of competitiveness.scale enterprises must be specialized, to unite , to cooperate and integrated both for horizontal sand for vertical lines. Cooperative motion must develop thus, first of all, through creation of attendant and productive cooperative stores forming of that requires development of the scientifically reasonable system of mutual relations of participants of cooperation, including to the management, marketing, mechanism of distribution of incomes. In a prospect priority directions of cooperation of agricultural commodity producers will be: rationalization of organization of production, storage and production distribution; building of lines and workshops of small-yield is from her processing; material and technical supply and technological service; creation of the cooperative forming of higher order -associations, holding, business concerns, consortia and other large whole sale victuallers and wholesale consumer of industrial products, that is produced for the necessities of village, that will function on internal, and external.determination straight of specialization of farms it is necessary t...

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