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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Контрольные работы » The future tense

Реферат The future tense

m going to be boss of my own successful company.use 'going to' when we want to make a prediction based on evidence we can see now.out! That cup is going to fall off.at those black clouds. It's going to rain soon., A very interesting question arises in our minds that «can we replace 'going to go' by 'going'»? The answer is «Yes», ​​we can. 'M going out later.' S going to the exhibition tomorrow.please note that:

В«I'm going to Germany.В» isn't really the future tense. (This is just Present Indefinite.) You want to say it in a future form you will have to say: 'm going to go to Germany.

But sometimes:

We say something is going to happen when it has already been planned.example :: Where are you going on holiday this year?: We're going to Spain.also use it to show something has already been decided.example: 're going to buy a new car next year.also use going to when we can see something is about to happen.

. What does actually Shall or Will means? people who live in non-english speaking countries do not really know or do not make an appropriate usage of will or shall.

1. (Auxiliary verb.) will (is, are, etc.) about or going to: will be there tomorrow. She will see you at dinner.

2. will (is, are, etc.) disposed or willing to: will do right.

3. will (is, are, etc.) expected or required to: will report to the principal at once.

4. will be expected or supposed to: will not have forgotten him.

5. will (is, are, etc.) determined or sure to (used emphatically): will talk.

6. will (is, are, etc.) accustomed to, or do usually or often: would write for hours at a time.

7. will (is, are, etc.) habitually disposed or inclined to: will be tyrants.

8. will (is, are, etc.) capable of; can: tree will live without water for three months.

9. (Vi) will wish; desire; like: what you will. Ask, if you will, who the owner is.

10. (N.) will faculty of conscious and particularly of deliberate action: freedom of the will.

3.2 Definition of 'Shall'

. shall to or intend to: shall go later.

2. shall have to or is determined to: shall do it. He shall do it.

3. shall

(in laws, directives, etc.) must; is or are obliged to: meetings shall be public.

4. shall

(used interrogatively): we go?

5. shall to offer, suggest, or ask politelyI make some drinks?

6. shall with В«IВ» and В«weВ» to talk about the futureshall be away that week.

7. shall to give legal instructionsdefendant shall not be required to pay any damages.

8. shall owe; to be under obligation for

9. shall be obliged; must

4. The future tense В«Shall or WillВ» Or Future Indefinite Tense

Expressing Future in Time Clause or value:

Observe the following example; will come soon. When Aslam comes, we will talk to him. p align="justify"> В«When Aslam comesВ» is a time clause. + Subject + 1st form of a verb = a time clause.: Will or be going to is not used in a time clause. The meaning of the clause is furute, but the Simple Present is used.time clause begins with such words as when, before, after, as soon as, until and includes a subject and a verb. The time clause can some either at the beginning of a sentence o...

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