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Реферат Translation of indirect article (a, an) into Russian pronouns





Контрольна робота


Студента III курсу

спеціальністю В«Міжнародні відносиниВ»

Кухалейшвілі Георгія

translation article pronoun

Маріуполь 2010

To begin with it should be mentioned that notion of indefiniteness are practically realized in all languages ​​including English and Russian. As we know in contemporary English if we would like to express indefiniteness it is necessary use indefinite articles (a, an) before nouns in all kinds of sentences. But it is a trouble to translate an article into Russian. There are no such categories in this language. That s why if it is necessary to express indefiniteness during translation from English into Russian we translate English indirect article into Russian indirect pronoun. s it is obvious to analyze all cases of replacing indirect articles into indirect pronouns after translation from English into Russian.of all lets analyze the translation of English indirect article a into Russian pronoun in the meaning of unknown . In most cases such pronoup appears before a surname.is a Mrs. Erlynne.

Це якась місіс Ерлін.

A Mr. Fox called you. p align="justify"> Вам дзвонив якийсь містер Фокс.

A Smith asked for you.

Якийсь Сміт запитував тебе.

A is also used before the surnames if we want to relate a person to a definite group.after all was he not a Griffiths?

Так зрештою, хіба ж він не Гріффітс?

The indefinite article a ( an ) is also put before a surname in the meaning of comparison.husband is quite an Othello.

Її чоловік - досконалий Отелло.we translate the indefinite article before the surname with negative accent.

A Forsite - is uncommon animal - said a young Joylon.

В«Форсайт - типове тваринаВ» - сказав молодий Джойлон.

Sometimes English indirect article may be translated into Russian pronoun in the meaning of one .

Чи не had not an enemy on earth.

У нього не було ні єдиного ворога на світі.

Speaking about the next kind of translation of the indefinite article, it is known that it may be translated into a pronoun in the meaning of somewhat , after there + to be before nouns.was a lamp on the table.

На столі була якась лампа.

Now I m going to tell you a few words about other variants of the indefinite article s translation.it is translated in the meaning of classified function.only sensible solution is a peace which would give the Malayan people the freedom they desire.

Єдине розумне рішення - це встановлення такого світу, який дав би малайському народу бажану свободу.

It also may be translated in the meaning of indefinite pronoun any.that the law has been passed ... the friendly recommendation of a foreign government ... can only be regarded as interference in the internal affairs of Persia.

Тепер, коли закон прийнятий, дружні рекомендації будь-якого іноземного уряду можуть розглядатися лише як втручання у внутрішні справи Ірану.

In some cases if indefinite article situated before a personal nouns we translate it in metonymical meaning.was a Guernica, a Coventry, a Lidice.

Це була нова Герніка, новий Ковентрі, нова Лідіце.

The next variant of indefinite article s translation is in the meaning of generic singularthe noun following after the indefinite article may be expressed by a noun in plural in the first case and in the second case by a collective singular noun.government with a dollar in one hand and a gun in the other.

Уряд, у якого в одній руці долари, а в іншій - зброя.

In general, this report gives us necessary information about the translation of the definite articles into indefinite pronouns and some other meaning categories. There is no doubt that knowledge of all variants of translation is important if we want to save English main idea in translated sentences. br/>

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