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Реферат Translation of poetry english-russian


is poetry? Usually the answer is something like that: a shot literature work with personal character, separated on lines. Does it suit? It is always difficult to give a definition in literature. Everything personal and important always tries to escape from that kind of scientific speech, which helps us to involve all points of view from that subject. Perhaps, we should have said, that poetry is a responsible attempt of putting us into personal understanding of this world by literary composition; distinguishes poetry from all other documents submitted in writing? Most of explorers would say nothing , all of these are texts: poetry, philosophical treatise or newspaper. But only people, who read thick scientific magazines, are interested in that, because poetry really seems to be something different. Even if we take into account that it can be both poetry and prose, we name them different because they touch our souls. Poetry is that kind of art which gives us world description, expresses, excites emotions and joy. Poetry can be named the art of unspoken and implicit.does original poetry texts exist for? Of course for ensuring spiritual contact between the author and the reader, even if they are separated by ages.does translated poetry texts exist for? May be for realizing much more difficult communicative process - spiritual contact between the author and readers.do Russian poetry translators Hongori and Unamuno do? Do they translate poetry from Spanish into Russian? Or do they reshape spiritual content of some Spanish culture phenomenon by Russian poetry sources, taking into account time, psychology and folk-peculiarity factors, on a par with the factor of difference in linguo-cultural world portrait, which Russian and Spanish native speakers have . I think that the first variant is more suitable than the first one. That s why poetry translating process must be regarded as inter-linguo-cultural phenomenon, and more exactly inter-linguo-folk-psycho-cultural communication.quasiterms like < span align = "justify"> spiritual communication and cultural language are too polysemantic. So let s return to real poetry world. From the beginning of the second part of the last age it became popular and nowadays it is even leading to use the method of keeping artistic contact and form unity, to express it like alive and holistic poetry organism, not as dead photocopy or scheme, even if it is very faithful translation. Other words, poetry translation must become alive twin of original one, and act actively in new language literary process.means that the interpreter needs to sacrifice qualitative translation of se...

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