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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Контрольные работы » Схиляння в часі

Реферат Схиляння в часі

1. Відкрийте дужки, використовуючи Present Continuous або Present Indefinite

. She is wearing a new hat today. 2. Jack never wears a hat.3. I get up at eight o'clock in the morning.4. He gets up . 5. What are you saying ? I am not hearing you well enough. 6. It is getting late. It's time to go home. 7. It gets dark early in winter. 8. Listen! Somebody is singing in the hall. 9. She sings well and she has a good ear to music. 10. When it is foggy in London, cars move very slowly. 11. Our train is moving very fast.

2. Відкрийте дужки, використовуючи Past Continuous або Past Indefinite

1. What were you doing at five yesterday? 2. She was listening to her favorite programme when I entered the room. 3. We couldn't walk fast. He was carrying a heavy bag. 4 Many people were moving along the streets. 5. The orchestra was playing dance music. 6. В«Why didn t you come to see us in June? "В» I was busy, I was finishing my course paper. В»7. At what did she begin to work? 8. He bought this dictionary in London. 9. I was buying something at a shop when I heard that somebody was calling my name. 10. When he lived in London, he went to the theatre once a week. 11. It was difficult to understand him. He was speaking too fast. 12. She stayed with her aunt in July.

3. Переведіть наступні пропозиції, використовуючи Past Continuous або Past Indefinite

1. Наш потяг йшов дуже швидко, я не встигав читати назви станцій В»які ми проїжджали. 2. Коли поїзд рушив, він щось крикнув мені, але я нічого...

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